Maestría en Educación
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Ítem Trabajadores por la paz: Metodología de Transformación de Conflictos de Johan Galtung en el Colegio Tibabuyes Universal.(Universidad La Gran Colombia, 2024) Mayorga Folkes, Miguel Arturo; Salamanca Orcasitas, AndresEste proyecto de investigación analiza la implementación de la Cátedra de la Paz en el Colegio Tibabuyes Universal, utilizando la Metodología de Transformación de Conflictos de Johan Galtung como herramienta central para formar a los estudiantes como "Trabajadores por la Paz". El objetivo principal es evaluar cómo esta metodología puede fortalecer la enseñanza de la Cátedra de la Paz, promoviendo una cultura de paz dentro del entorno escolar. A través de un enfoque cualitativo, se examinan las experiencias de estudiantes y docentes, identificando tanto los logros como los desafíos en la integración de estos principios. Los resultados destacan la efectividad de la metodología en sensibilizar y capacitar a los estudiantes en la resolución pacífica de conflictos, aunque persisten desafíos en su aplicación uniforme en todos los niveles educativos. Esta investigación contribuye a la discusión sobre la educación para la paz en Colombia, proponiendo prácticas pedagógicas que faciliten la formación integral de estudiantes en entornos de aprendizaje más armónicos.Ítem Propuesta de una ruta pedagógica para desarrollar competencias profesionales litigiosas en los estudiantes de la facultad de derecho de la Universidad La Gran Colombia(Universidad La Gran Colombia, 2024) Dorado Hurtado, Carlos Alberto; Escobar Ramírez, Víctor AlfonsoEsta investigación tiene por objetivo fortalecer la asignatura de Sistemas Penales Procesales a través de una ruta pedagógica para propender por el desarrollo de competencias litigiosas en los estudiantes de derecho de la Universidad La Gran Colombia con el fin de acercarlos al contexto jurídico de las audiencias en el sistema penal oral acusatorio implementado en Colombia con la Ley 906 de 2004. La metodología de investigación es de tipo exploratorio en razón a que se investiga sobre un tema no abordado en la Universidad La Gran Colombia en relación con las competencias litigiosas de los abogados graduados y posee un enfoque cualitativo toda vez que se analiza de manera reflexiva las situaciones y problemas que enfrentan los egresados de la facultad de derecho de la Universidad La Gran Colombia, en su ejercicio profesional, conforme los resultados obtenidos desde los instrumentos de investigación, los cuales se triangularon. Se trianguló la encuesta aplicada a los abogados Gran Colombianos, la entrevista realizada a los docentes del área penal y el análisis del syllabus de Sistemas Penales Procesales. En este trabajo investigativo, se abordaron como referentes teóricos el aprendizaje significativo, la didáctica especial, la ruta pedagógica, el modelo pedagógico y las competencias. De acuerdo con la información anterior, se trazó una ruta pedagógica mediante la cual se logró el diseño de una unidad didáctica para la asignatura de Sistemas Penales Procesales.Ítem Estrategias pedagógicas mediadas por las TIC en modalidad remota(Universidad La Gran Colombia, 2024) Pardo-Flórez, EdimerAlbeiro; Ángel Quiroz, Javier Orlando; Leon Salinas, Carlos EduardoEsta Investigación tiene por objetivo identificar actividades pedagógicas mediadas por las TIC, como complemento a las clases presenciales, en modalidad remota, implementando el uso de estrategias pedagógicas, promoviendo procesos de aprendizaje experiencial. Para ello se busca implementar la teoría de los estilos de aprendizaje de David A. Kolb usando las estrategias didácticas tecnológicas propuestas por Yolanda Campos, generando una formación axiológica integral en cada uno de los estudiantes pertenecientes a la asignatura Cultura Solidaria de la Universidad La Gran Colombia del Centro de Pensamiento La Esperanza Don Pedro Laín Entralgo. Desde allí se implementó las categorías o elementos a contener en una rúbrica de evaluación de proyectos Aprendizaje Servicio Solidario (AYSS), según Puig Rovira y (Otros 2015: 115), Dicho instrumento cuenta con cuatro niveles descriptivos y contempla dimensiones básicas como las necesidades sociales, el servicio, el sentido social y los aprendizajes. (como se cita en Bamonte, 2018 p. 20). Que articuladas con la Metodología 6x1, promovida por New Humanity desde la AMU (Acción por un mundo Unido) evalúe el nivel de aprendizaje experiencial en los estudiantes de dicha asignatura. Por tal motivo se analizó el aprendizaje experiencial de los estudiantes que cursaron y están cursando la asignatura, entre los periodos académicos 2020 - 2022, para obtener un análisis comparativo que nos permita visualizar las diferentes estrategias pedagógicas mediadas por las TIC de Yolanda Campos como apoyo a la educación remota, generando como resultado una serie de actividades basadas en la metodología 6x1 que enmarcan la rúbrica de evaluación de proyectos mediante el aprendizaje servicio solidario, y alineados a la investigación acción participativa como mejora al aprendizaje experiencial de forma remota.Ítem Representaciones sociales de arte y lúdica en el aula para el desarrollo de los procesos de aprendizaje de las ciencias sociales en los estudiantes de 2° y 3° de la I.E.D. Nuestra Señora de la Gracia(Universidad La Gran Colombia, 2024) Jaime Alarcón, Ramiro Alfonso; Gómez Galindo, Teresa Isadidt; Rodríguez, Yaneth MarcelaThis research project was developed at the I.E.D. Nuestra Señora de la Gracia in the municipality of Bojacá Cundinamarca, which focused on working with 2nd and 3rd grade children through interviews and implementation of a didactic sequence that would allow them to learn about the social representations of art and ludic at school, in order to strengthen them. To implement the project, it was decided to work with 50 students, 25 from 2nd grade and 25 from 3rd grade. The research methodology that was developed is qualitative with the Participatory Action Research (PIA) method, using participant observation as a research technique and information collection instruments such as the survey, the semi- structured interview and the focus group.Ítem Psicogenealogía: causas del bajo rendimiento académico en un estudiante de segundo grado(Universidad La Gran Colombia, 2024) Aparicio Abadía, Ying Alejandra; Guzmán Ayala, Ángela Andrea; López Cupita, Lorena AndreaEl presente estudio de caso aborda el bajo desempeño académico de una niña de 7 años desde la psicogenealogía, la historia familiar y las lealtades transgeneracionales permiten identificar los vínculos y el conocimiento de la historia familiar heredada desde el inconsciente individual y colectivo. El método de investigación es de tipo cualitativo con enfoque explicativo. Se utilizaron cuatro tipos de instrumentos que permitieron recolectar la información: documentos oficiales, dibujos estructurados, el diario de las investigadoras y entrevistas semiestructuradas con la madre y con la estudiante participante. Dentro de las conclusiones se lograron identificar repeticiones “Lealtades” de tres generaciones sobre el desempeño escolar, desórdenes emocionales, desestructuración de los roles jerárquicos de la familia y deserción escolar en su árbol genealógicoÍtem Aulas hospitalarias y la formación de niños en condición de hospitalización en Colombia(Universidad La Gran Colombia, 2024) Caldas Zárate, César Alfredo; Amorocho, EdwardIn the Colombian educational system there has been a phenomenon of dropout of boys, girls and adolescents due to health conditions or disabilities. The population linked to formal education that is admitted to a hospital has the risk of a rupture with their training process, becoming a public problem. However, Hospital Classrooms have gradually emerged since 1999, as a favorable alternative in the accompaniment of minor patients who have to leave their family, academic and social environment to face conditions of isolation and pain according to their diagnosed clinical picture. This investigative study has the purpose of identifying the prevailing methodological and pedagogical trajectories in research on hospital classrooms that have been carried out in Colombia between 2017-2022, as an educational alternative for students who due to their health conditions must be hospitalized. Taking into account the documentary analysis methodology, it was possible to establish the identification and preliminary review of various sources, to then carry out a thorough filter such as scientific and academic rigor on the object of study. In conclusion, it was found that the intervention process in hospital classrooms of teaching-learning of school content favors the development of skills that allow the student to integrate into the social world once the recovery process is completed. The intervention requires diagnostic understanding of prior knowledge, seeking an approach to the pace, interest and learning style of the pediatric patient. This phase requires focusing attention on training for life through the development of cognitive and socio-affective skills in the learner. Likewise, the contents and teaching strategies carried out by researchers are related to the teaching of mathematics, especially the development of logical and geometric thinking; the natural sciences, particularly physics; artistic education, mobilized by the plastic and visual arts; and literature: through the stimulation of narratives.Ítem Relación entre sostenibilidad y acreditación de alta calidad. Claves para la Universidad La Gran Colombia(Universidad La Gran Colombia, 2024) Murillo Sánchez, Cecilia; Cárdenas Méndez, Carlos Mauricio; Mojica Vargas, Anderson JavierThis master's degree work covers the relationship between sustainability and high quality in higher education institutions (HEIs), from the fundamental role that universities play as organizations in favor of the construction of systemic sustainability understood as the harmonious interaction of the social, environmental, academic and economic aspects to achieve a type of development that satisfies the needs of present generations, without compromising the satisfaction of the needs of future generations. For this, it is based on the conceptualization of the notions of sustainability and high quality in universities, observing references such as the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) and other international agreements, as well as the high quality institutional accreditation model in Colombia, to then provide factors, relevant indicators, recommendations and good practices in the implementation of sustainable high quality systems, applicable to the high quality accreditation process of the Universidad La Gran Colombia UGC.Ítem Efectos de un plan de gimnasia básica en la coordinación motriz de los estudiantes con síndrome de down en la escuela Normal Superior de Saboyá(Universidad La Gran Colombia, 2024) Villota Jacome, Edison Gabriel; Africano Higuera, Alvaro Andres; Pardo Coronado, Aseneth; Pardo Coronado, AsenethAll students attending an educational institution should receive a relevant and quality education. This study focuses on strengthening motor coordination through the implementation of a basic gymnastics plan for students with Down syndrome at the Escuela Normal Superior de Saboyá Educational Institution in Boyacá, Colombia. Through a qualitative approach and an Action Research design, it was possible to learn about the coordination characteristics of each of the 6 students with Down syndrome in order to propose a gymnastics plan and promote its strengthening. Finally, the influence of the latter on the participants' skills was analyzed. An advance is identified in the tasks evaluated by the 3JS Test and allows this instrument to be recognized as a possibility to evaluate the coordination characteristics of students with Down syndrome in physical education classes; In the same way, the importance of applying individualized and systematic plans to achieve improvements in the motor skills of students with Down syndrome is highlighted.Ítem Estrategias inclusivas para procesos educativos de jóvenes con discapacidad visual(Universidad La Gran Colombia, 2022) Obando Paramo, Steven; Yepes Pulido, Juan Sebastian; Pardo Conorado, AsenethThe main objective of the following research is to build an interactive booklet of pedagogical strategies based on the voices of students with visual impairment and teachers that can provide tools for inclusion in educational scenarios. Likewise, this is qualitative research, with a phenomenological, empirical, and non-experimental methodological design. The study population was determined and selected by 3 teachers with visual impairment, 11 students with visual impairment of the COOTRASIN foundation and 11 teachers who do not have any type of disability. For data collection, structured interviews were used to each of the participants, and then with the due analysis, categorization and validation of the same, in this process, it is possible to identify that there is a lack of knowledge of policies and tools that allow the attention of blind students in the educational classrooms, which is why the relevance of developing an element that allows the acquisition of knowledge for the development of educational classrooms without barriers is evidenced.Ítem La función de la imagen fotográfica y el discurso en relación con la enseñanza(Universidad La Gran Colombia, 2023) Cruz Velosa, Rudy Yeraldin; Alcantar Beltrán, Gina Paola; García Salazar, EdwinThis research document intends to focus on the analysis of the function present in the image, in order to discuss the notion of discourse and think about how to extrapolate this discourse through the concept of perception, to produce a relation with the field of teaching. These conditions of appropriation to discursive and perceptive processes, are contrasted at the dawn of proposals and hypotheses that place the image as a fundamental part within the teaching processes and in turn, allow understanding the convergence of theories concerning the image. Therefore, the tripartite relation between image, perception and look is a relation that makes sense with teaching, since this allows to provide a function in pedagogical scenarios, through processes of perception and interpretation of realities. This allows us to determine the correlation of the image with the knowledge emitted in the educational field, where teaching is normally mediated by the sensations caused by the imageÍtem Participación estudiantil en el gobierno escolar. Diseño de una secuencia didáctica para el desarrollo de competencias ciudadanas(Universidad La Gran Colombia, 2024) Vivas Morales, Zayra Stella; Sierra Garzón, Freddy AlexanderStudent participation in the framework of assuming the aspects that evidence the development of citizen competencies, It requires greater attention from educational institutions and their teachers to build a true democratic society. Precisely, school government is a multifaceted scenario for the future citizenships skills that Colombia demands. To that effect, this research develops a didactic sequence to strengthen student participation in school governance of middle school students. For this, a qualitative methodology was applied from the hermeneutic method with an interpretive paradigm, with teachers and students from the I.E Nuestra Señora del Carmen in the municipality of Salazar. As the main result, it was obtained that the use of didactic expression to design the sequence based on the development of citizenships skills showed how the teacher from the classroom contributes to strengthening student participation in school governance.Ítem Contribución de las melodias musicales al análisis de los problemas matemáticos con operaciones básicas en las habilidades de los estudiantes de grado sexto del Colegio integrado Juan Atalaya de Cúcuta(Universidad La Gran Colombia, 2023) Gallo Landinez, Edwin Mauricio; Galvis Fernández, Erika Yesenia; Fagua Cortéz, Barbara; Lesmes Verano, Álvaro StickAccording to the observations and opinions of the teachers of different academic areas associated with reading and interpretation within the educational field of the Juan Atalaya Integrated School, it has been analyzed and determined that there is a problem regarding the analysis and resolution of mathematical problems after the pandemic caused by COVID 19. This occurs especially in the sixth graders of the school, choosing 604 grade, as the sample. The study had as objective to transform the analysis and resolution of mathematical problems using basic operations and musical melodies as a strategy in the aforementioned educational context. The methodological approach was mixed, since both quantitative and qualitative data were collected and analyzed in the process. In this, they made direct observations of the data records of these students in the virtual platform (OVY) of the school and thus observe the trends of their performance from 2019 to 2022 in their first period, the data showed that from 2019 to 2022, the sample studied presents weaknesses in mathematics, observing a low average percentage located between 54% to 66%. Subsequently, in the first period 2023, instrumental melodies were applied in the educational context and during the application of mathematical tests and it was observed that this weighting improved. Indeed, the results show that students in the area of mathematics showed progress in the analysis and problem solving with basic operations. Therefore, it is concluded that in the students of the sixth course (604) music was an adequate mediating strategy that contributed to an environment conducive to analysis and resolution of mathematical problems with basic operations, understanding that the melodies used positively influence the learning process of mathematics in sixth grade children.Ítem El plan lector como estrategia didáctica para el fortalecimiento de las competencias lectoras de los estudiantes de primaria en la institución educativa San Luis Beltrán del municipio de Sardinata (Norte de Santander)(Universidad La Gran Colombia, 2023) Castellano Alarcón, Elva; Castellanos Alarcon, Nancy; Ortega Atuesta, Javier Francisco; Villanueva Osorio, Christian CamiloThe Colombian State, through the Ministry of National Education, permanently seeks to measure the progress and achievements in learning of 186 Primary Basic Education students with the purpose of determining cognitive deficiencies and improving the reading skills of schoolchildren. In line with this intention, a research project was developed whose general objective seeks to design a teaching strategy that contributes to improving the reading skills of 59 primary school students from the San Luis Beltrán Educational Institution, in the Municipality of Sardinata, Norte de Santander, taking into account the particularities of the context and the difficulties evident. In the methodological aspect, it was supported by the qualitative approach, the descriptive design and the documentary review technique based on the consultation of official documents of the Ministry of National Education. This proposal, after its investigative journey, was able to show the following: the weaknesses found in the Educational Institution studied correspond to a national and regional reality, in which 54.33% of 3rd grade students reached a level of learning low, while on average 74.66% of 5th grade students reached low and very low levels on average in the years 2016, 2017 and 2018 of the knowledge tests regarding reading competence. The San Luis Beltrán Educational Institution is in the last category (D) according to the Colombian Institute for the Evaluation of Education, Icfes (2021), in terms of academic performance, compared to other official institutions within the municipality of Sardinata. To face this alarming reality, this investigative work makes a proposal based on a Reading Plan, which has its own objectives, cooperative learning methodology, pedagogical model of the Escuela Nueva Activa, ENA, literary component, teaching and learning activities, and evaluative activities.Ítem Violencias basadas en género en entornos escolares a partir de narrativas para desarrollar el pensamiento reflexivo(Universidad La Gran Colombia, 2023) Gonzalez Gutierrez, Carlos Andres; Matta Domínguez, Angie Carolina; Pedraza, TatianaThis research work seeks to resignify the perceptions of Gender-Based Violence (GBV) through narrative workshops with tenth and eleventh grade students at Ciudad Latina High Scholl. The concepts or the constructs underpinning this work are reflective thinking, own narratives and, feminism and GBV. The methodology used was the qualitative one, in which the researchers created 3 worksheets, surveys and field notes to gather the information required. After collecting the information, the results were categorize and subcategorize as following: GBV like a concept to studied at classroom, narraatives like literature tool to express own knowledge, reflection like responds to the application. . To conclude, this study showed that it was possible to show how each space aimed not only to identify GBV but also to develop a reflective posture that allows education to be understood as a field of action through which this type of social pathology can be discussed and socialized, using narratives.Ítem Fortalecimiento de las competencias emocionales en los estudiantes del grado décimo de la Institución Educativa Colegio San José de Cúcuta(Universidad La Gran Colombia, 2023) Pimentel Arenas, Viviana Esperanza; Pimentel Arenas, Ibeth Carolina; Sánchez Solano, Carlos Alberto; Espinosa Gallego, Abel HumbertoIn this present thesis, the general objective was to strengthen the emotional competencies of the tenth-grade students of the Educational Institution Colegio San José de Cúcuta so that it is considered in the planning of the classroom plan of the tenth-grade teachers through the implementation of a booklet, with the intention that this resource be considered in the planning of teachers for the tenth grade. To achieve this objective, a methodology based on the sociocritical paradigm was adopted, which is oriented towards the transformation of the educational reality. A qualitative approach supported by an action research method was implemented, which was developed in six distinct phases: diagnosis and exploration, instrument design, validation of the instruments, applicability, analysis of the implemented instruments, and finally, the proposition phase and model of change in the identified population. The work involved 12 teachers, 40 students, and 4 administrators. The results obtained from this research revealed a series of significant findings. Firstly, the need identified by teachers to recognize and develop key aspects of emotional competencies in the classroom was highlighted, such as recognizing emotions, self-control, personal motivation, empathy, and relationship management. On the other hand, students pointed out the need for more support and a deeper focus on the development of emotional competencies within the learning environment. In conclusion, this study underscores the crucial importance of strengthening students' emotional competencies. Through the construction of a pedagogical tool designed to support teachers in their efforts to work with students in the classroom, the aim is to address the identified needs of both educators and students.Ítem El rendimiento académico y la evaluación formativa: un estudio correlacional desde la asignatura de lengua castellana(Universidad La Gran Colombia, 2023) Carabalí Mosquera, Duvan Estiven; Achipis Merchán, Natalia Isabel; Achipis Merchán, Natalia IsabelThis thesis is framed in analyzing the formative evaluation as a correlational teaching-learning practice adopted by teachers to strengthen the academic results of tenth grade students taking the subject of Spanish language at the Baháí Ruhi Arbab School in the municipality of Puerto Tejada-Cauca. Thus, in order to achieve this objective, a qualitative research with a type of correlational analysis was carried out. In addition, a questionnaire was applied as an instrument and/or tool to a focal group of 10 students of the tenth grade of the institution mentioned above, and a semi-structured interview to the three teachers of the language area (Spanish language, reading comprehension and spelling). Each of the references collected were processed by means of Google forms and audio recorder. From the analysis of the results, it was concluded that despite the fact that teachers use formative evaluation tools, which are not supervised by an external body to provide guidelines for improvement, they greatly strengthen the academic processes of students in the subject of Spanish language.Ítem Campamento astronómico Andrómeda como estrategia didáctica para fomentar la participación de las niñas en carreras STEM en la IED la Florida(Universidad La Gran Colombia, 2023) Lopez, Martha; Camargo Pérez, Álvaro Josserand; Camargo, AlvaroSTEM sciences turn out to be relevant in all areas of life, because they are a source of inspiration for students to lean towards them and carry them out in their daily lives through their applicability. This is how, through the mapping strategy, significant contributions related to the STEM approach, astronomy and the gender gap were identified; allowing women to explore the constellations and observations of celestial bodies in the sky, through an astronomical observatory, which is oriented towards the implementation of 7 missions, focused on analysis of celestial bodies; through telescopes, analysis of divergences between astronomy and astrology, female empowerment, revealing models of inspiring women and mentors in these sciences of knowledge, construction and launching of rockets; and analysis of them in the environment. In this way, research, analytical and scientific interest is awakened in women in order to promote STEM today. In this project, an astronomical camp is implemented that allows students to learn and recognize the importance of STEM sciences, where each of them develops their skills, abilities and abilities in order to promote the gender approach and non-discrimination. to women in areas related to these sciences and the elimination of the gender gap respectivelyÍtem Los cambios en habilidades sociales post pandémicos en estudiantes de grado cuarto de primaria de las instituciones educativas Colegio Departamental Sabio Mutis en la mesa Cundinamarca y gimnasio El lago de Bogotá(Universidad La Gran Colombia, 2023) Peña Guillén, Lady Marcela; Mechán Gómez, Martha Esperanza; Chitiva Sánchez, Ingrid Natalia; Salazar Tiempos, Lady Yohana; González Rivera, Daniel AntonioThe research work aims to study the changes in social skills before, during, and after a pandemic, through a sequential study with a mixed approach and qualitative emphasis with students in fourth grade of elementary school in the following institutions Colegio Departamental Sabio Mutis del municipio de la Mesa Cundinamarca and Colegio Gimnasio El Lago Bogotá. The investigation aims to identify, characterize, and prove how the process of these social skills changes during a health emergency and what the results were obtained after it.Ítem Las Transiciones Armónicas: Estrategia para la adaptación académica de estudiantes venezolanos de quinto grado en el Instituto Técnico Agropecuario Juan Frío(Universidad La Gran Colombia, 2023) Sanabria Pérez, Esmeralda; Rodríguez Vasquez, Raúl Humberto; Almeida Garrido, Jaime Alexander; Yepes Landinez, Yury AndreaThis research work arises from a bibliographic review where it is evident that the economic, political, and social situation of some countries such as Venezuela, have generated migration processes that greatly affect the children of families that suffer from this social phenomenon, and where the main difficulties are related to curricular and socio-emotional adaptation. These migrant children, upon entering a new educational system, must undergo an additional leveling, feedback and reinforcement process that can be exhausting (León, & Valdeblanquez, 2022). Therefore, the main objective was to design an academic adaptability strategy based on harmonious transitions, aimed at fifth grade Venezuelan students at the Juan Frío Agricultural Technical Institute. For this, a mixed type of research with a descriptive approach was chosen, and information collection instruments such as bibliographic review, direct observation, a survey directed at students, diagnostic tests and an interview with the regular teacher were used. Likewise, the work is based on the rights of the child, the right to education, educational strategies and policies to serve this population and harmonious transitions, conceived as a form of accompaniment and mitigation of changes that may produce a negative impact in children who are in transit from initial education modalities to the transition grade as a mandatory first grade. As a result, it was possible to identify the main academic shortcomings of the students, and to generate and apply improvement strategies for social and academic adaptability, especially in the areas of Spanish and literature, English, and the area of further development of the educational institution.Ítem Factores de deserción estudiantil en el programa de maestría en educación de la Universidad la Gran Colombia(Universidad La Gran Colombia, 2023) Ortiz Ruiz, Harold; Rincón Estupiñán, María Patricia; León Salinas, Carlos EduardoThis study analyzes student dropout in the Master's in Education program at Universidad La Gran Colombia between 2019 and 2022. 274 potential dropouts were identified using financial and academic criteria. However, due to the low participation in the initial survey, phone calls were conducted to characterize the students. To calculate the sample size, a confidence level of 95% and a margin of error of 20% were used. This calculation determined a sample size of 23 students, consistent with widely accepted conventions in statistics and general research. Twenty-four dropouts were identified and characterized, and their responses provided valuable information on the causes of dropout. This information was used to develop a systemic model to propose improvements in retention for each department of the university. The most influential factors in the decision to drop out were the lack of academic support, followed by a lack of interest, demotivation, depression, and work obligations. The insufficient clarity in retention strategies and support for postgraduate students is emphasized. The importance of maintaining a balance between income and expenses to ensure the stability and success of the program is also highlighted. It is expected that these results will provide a systemic foundation for future reflections and discussions to address dropout in this academic context.