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Licenciatura en Lenguas Modernas con Énfasis en Inglés

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    Environmental Awareness In Real Context Through English Language Teaching
    (Universidad La Gran Colombia, 2024) Peralta Díaz, Leidy Catherine; Niño Molina, Mary Elen
    The research "ENVIRONMENTAL AWARENESS IN REAL CONTEXT THROUGH ENGLISH LANGUAGE TEACHING" examines the impact of integrating environmental topics into English classes for sixth grade students. The results reveal significant interest on the part of students in continuing to practice environmental topics in English, although there is variability in levels of language proficiency and environmental knowledge. The importance of designing integrated teaching unit that address relevant environmental topics and adapt pedagogical strategies to meet individual student needs is highlighted. It is recommended to incorporate practical and contextual activities that encourage student participation and promote a deep understanding of global environmental issues. In addition, it is encouraged to promote a bilingual approach in teaching environmental concepts to facilitate more meaningful and contextualized learning. These recommendations seek to improve the effectiveness of teaching English as a vehicle to promote environmental awareness and cultivate a generation of students committed to protecting and preserving the environment.
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    Self-Regulation Strategies: A Supportive Way to Help Students Overcome Test Anxiety in Oral Production Test at UGC University
    (Universidad La Gran Colombia, 2024) Hueza Sierra, Ashly Natalia; Espitia Hernández, Karen Julieth; Gamba Rodríguez, Nixon Alejandro
    This study aimed to identify and analyze test anxiety levels among pre-intermediate students at La Gran Colombia University using the Foreign Language Classroom Anxiety Scale (FLCAS). Additionally, it sought to explore factors contributing to oral test anxiety. The pre-test results from the sample of 28 students revealed that students had test anxiety. Other dimensions of the test: communication apprehension, confidence in using the language, and negative attitudes towards the language were key to having a wider view of the phenomenon. Qualitative data from student responses indicated that peer and teacher observation significantly contributed to anxiety, manifesting in symptoms such as nervous laughter and hesitation. Despite implementing self-regulation strategies like self-monitoring, goal setting, progressive relaxation, guided visualization, and self-explanation, the workshops showed limited impact on reducing test anxiety, likely due to inconsistent participation. However, the students improved their scores in the post-test and communication apprehension was notably reduced. Also, the students who engaged in goal setting and self-monitoring reported progress in areas like healthy habits, English learning, and socialization, suggesting increased self-awareness and motivation. Overall, the study underscores the complexity of test anxiety and highlights the need for more targeted and consistent interventions to support students' oral performance and emotional well-being.
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    Research Skills and Bachelor’s Degree Projects in Modern Languages at UGC
    (Universidad La Gran Colombia, 2024) Londoño Bolivar, Juliana; León Ortiz, Alejandro; Rubiano Arana, Paola Andrea
    During this research project, the factors and reasons why ninth and tenth semester students decided to pursue a certified program were analyzed, particularly the option of a diploma instead of undertaking a research project. This research stems from the observation and study of the population of eighth and ninth semester modern languages students at Universidad La Gran Colombia. According to the empirical examination conducted, it is conceived that students do not have well-established prior knowledge regarding how to conduct research; likewise, frustration is considered an incident factor when carrying out a research project. Students emphasize the presence of scant self-guidance that leads them to encounter difficulties in developing their projects. Lack of motivation, time, and limited support lead students to opt for the variant that best fits the urgency of the moment. Therefore, some students choose other options for professional qualification instead of undertaking a research project. Throughout this project, the pertinent reasons for choosing these alternatives will be identified, as well as why it is important to enhance research skills in students in order to avoid frustration and demotivation when carrying out a research project. Likewise, as we, the researchers, develop this project, it will be noted how our perspectives are coherent in light of authors who agree that motivation and the time devoted are essential for achieving a successful project.
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    Implementación del TPR como estrategia para motivar el aprendizaje del inglés como segunda lengua
    (Universidad La Gran Colombia, 2008) Vargas Gaitán, Karen Viviana; Roa Rojas, Christian Giovanni; Bayona Sánchez, Jairo Alexander
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    Estrategias de compensación como método para superar las dificultades en la producción oral del inglés en los estudiantes del nivel intermediate de la Universidad La Gran Colombia en la jornada nocturna
    (Universidad La Gran Colombia, 2023) Berdugo, Angie Lorena; Berdugo, July Andrea; Dueñas, John Jairo
    The present study focused on compensation strategies as a pedagogical tool that can be used to foster oral expression in students. Additionally, the different difficulties that arise in classroom settings for the development of oral expression skills in a foreign language were taken into account. A study was conducted with the aim of analyzing the difficulties faced by students from Universidad la Gran Colombia, specifically those at the Upper Intermediate level of the evening session during the first semester of 2022, when expressing themselves orally in the English language, as well as the strategies being used by teachers. It was concluded that some of the factors that influence the communication process in a foreign language include fear, nervousness, anxiety, lack of vocabulary knowledge, among others. Furthermore, a product was delivered with the intention of enabling teachers and students to achieve optimal development of communicative skills, specifically oral expression in a foreign language. This is accomplished through the generation of compensation strategies in the classroom, which become a fundamental tool in the teaching and learning process for both students and teachers, leading to greater results in foreign language acquisition.
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    Intrapersonal intelligence improvement of two -ninth-grader students who have borderline intellectual functioning at Carmen Teresiano Cchool: a case study
    (Universidad La Gran Colombia, 2022) González Pulido, José Alejandro; Pedraza Calderón, Rosa Tatiana
    Foreign language teachers experience difficulties in teaching students with cognitive disabilities. So, the purpose of this research is to show how teachers can take advantage of different meaningful activities to teach English to high school students with cognitive disabilities. It seems that the challenge is to teach English to students with and without learning disabilities in the same classroom. So, through observations in class and based on the teacher’s experience, it is noticed that the use of a variety of activities using intrapersonal intelligence theory can help teachers and students succeed in learning the English process. But most important for cognitive disability student’s success, foreign language teachers may use many different activities to help them to motivate and achieve goals set in the standard curriculum of the school. Therefore, the use of multiple learning activities in the classroom has shown that all students can learn a foreign language. To do so, the researcher carried out seven (7) workshops containing various activities to foster these strategies. The methodology was based on a mixed approach with a case of study. They were administered a Pre and Post Test. On one hand, the outcomes showed qualitatively positive results in terms of personal motivation for the practice of English perception of activities using intrapersonal intelligence theory and the impact of different subjects and topics used in them. On the other hand, the result in the quantitative part showed that there was no significant change in terms of exam-taking scores success after the implementation.
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    Augmented Reality For Listening Comprehension: An Innovative Strategy for Articulating Visual and Auditory Processes
    (Universidad La Gran Colombia, 2021) Diaz Correa, Gabriela; Ramírez Galindo, Diana Marcela; Pinzón Pinto, Yoana Cristina
    Listening has been seen as one of the most difficult skills to develop at the time of learning English as a foreign language due to the difficulties which rely on the misunderstanding of words and accent, lack of vocabulary, as well as not catching details or specific information. That is why technology was used as a tool for developing augmented reality materials for listening, articulating it with audios for achieving an audio-visual relation. Listening was measured by didactic units where the students should reinforce their auditory comprehension taking into account the micro-skills or sub-skills in listening. The participants were students from an intermediate level of English at Universidad La Gran Colombia; Participants were randomly chosen to work in an experimental group and in a control group. Students were asked to work with didactic units where some markers were used not only for listening to the audio but for watching and having a visual input to have different contact with the information they were listening to. It is expected that Augmented Reality might be used to stimulate the audio-visual relation in order to identify the effects that this could have on the listening comprehension development of the students.
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    Proposal to strengthen reading comprehension skills through metacognitive strategies in advanced students majoring in modern languages at La Gran Colombia University
    (Universidad La Gran Colombia, 2021) Ardila Ramírez, Zaida Michelle; González Hormiga, Diana Caterin; Villafrade Blanco, Miguel Ángel
    The main intention of this document is to relate the process of creating and designing a handbook to strengthen reading comprehension through infographics, as a learning aid; which will be focusing on metacognitive strategies that allows getting a productive learning process in students. This handbook will have the purpose to offer supporting to ESL advanced students, at La Gran Colombia University, who will take any international exam as a bachelor’s degree requirement (C1, based on CEFR). This research applies to qualitative research methodology; it is focused on non-experimental design, with an explanatory scope. On the other hand, it is supported by different concepts and two theoretical bases; first it will take as a reference of reading comprehension, skills and strategies in L2 by Jeremy Harmer (2007), the second is regarding the Metacognition and Strategies, Ana Chamot (1999) and John. H, Flavell (1985), it also keeps the book CALLA in mind for this theoretical basis.
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    Crystallized intelligence In EFL: Crossing the boundaries of cognitive disability
    (Universidad La Gran Colombia, 2020) Capera Niño, Julieth Yesenia; Pinzón, Yoana; Pinzón, Yoana
    This paper refers to a single case study that explored if and how crystallized intelligence-based adapted EFL lessons might help a student with cognitive disability improve his communicative competence using the foreign language. The project was developed during 4 semesters (100 sessions) The 100 sessions were divided into observations: Student’s data, communication skills, social skills and affectivity, mobility and self-care, approach to learning, cognitive skills, sensory abilities, reading and writing skills, mathematics skills, academic, social and educational background (30 sessions), literature review and theoretical framework (30 sessions), class activities preparation for the English courses (15 sessions), photography sessions to create teaching materials based on Sebastian’s daily activities (8 sessions), preparation of activities related to crystallized intelligence activation (5 sessions), Sebastian’s field notes (5 sessions) and the adaptation of FCE Test for Advanced English Language Course (4 sessions). This document explains how crystallized intelligence might facilitate EFL learning, how the student enhances his linguistic competence when doing different tasks in the English language courses (Intermediate- Upper Intermediate and Advanced English courses). Likewise, the research included qualitative techniques such as observations, field notes, interviews to teachers and students; and quantitative techniques as a pretest and posttest, which were useful to study the student’s emotions and his perspective about his own learning experience which is composed by seven emerged categories as knowing my knowledge, deepening my knowledge, learning and enjoying my content, creating my own pedagogical materials, facing my own experiences, EFL my main motivation, and achieving my pedagogical materials. After the analysis, the researcher found that there are strong reasons to believe that crystalized intelligence-based teaching materials not only improve language learning, but also boost learning in more general terms.
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    Edmodo platform in ELT to support students with hearing loss
    (Universidad La Gran Colombia, 2019-10-26) Rozo Gonzalez, Brayan Camilo; Roa Ramirez, Angela Yormary; Mastrascuza Fajardo, Katerin Alexandra; Sanchez, William Ariel
    This research reports on the implementation of an Edmodo virtual classroom to support the English language learning process of three B.A in English students with hearing loss at Universidad La Gran Colombia; thus, allowing progress in their speaking skill. Therefore, different topics of the Advanced English syllabus were taken to adapt them to the virtual platform, which allows students to be able to relate face-to-face classes to the application of 5 implementations in Edmodo platform. This case study was carried out with three students with hearing loss as a common factor when developing the research. To achieve the general objective, a pre, while and posttest were -test and post-test was carried out in order to know the English level at the beginning, in the middle and at the end of 5 interventions to be able to obtain qualitative results with few quantitative elements. Interviews with teachers, administrators, and students were implemented to obtain information corresponding to the actions that the university was taking to respond to the educational needs of students with hearing disabilities. The results show the difficulties experienced by students with low hearing and some alternatives to improve the educational experience of this population and to make the Edmodo platform known to different teachers as an alternative to respond to the special educational needs of students with hearing loss.
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    Crosslinguistic influence from english as L2 to french as L3 in students of the B. Ed in english program of La Gran Colombia University enrolled in the third language course requisite at the language institute, Clic.
    (Universidad La Gran Colombia, 2020) Garcia Navarro, Edgar Alexander; Peña Cita, David
    This study explores the cross-linguistic influence in pre-service English teachers at La Gran Colombia University who were enrolled in the French course at Centro de Lenguas e Intenacionalización y Cultura, CLIC, as part of their requisite to earn their diploma as English teachers. The aim of the paper is to prove if there is cross-linguistic influence in the third language acquisition process of those students who are taking French as their third language. This paper offers a different way to approach the cross-linguistic phenomenon in two linguistic subsystems: phonetics and phonology, but from a hearer´s perspective who based on the students´ voice recordings provided relevant information to determine if there was influence and where it was coming from. Besides, it is done from a pedagogic perspective to understand the learning and teaching process for French as a third language in the new program of Modern Languages at the university, since it was developed by a pre-service teacher and a professor of the School of Education of the same university. This study demonstrated the existence of cross-linguistic influence, and based on the French native speakers, it was possible to observe that the main source of influence was coming from the students’ mother tongue, which for all of the participants was Spanish. The type of research selected for the study was quantitative due to the population, the academic area and the type of data collected throughout the process.
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    A Retrospective Analysis of the Pre-Intermediate English course curriculum to examine the development of oral communication skills
    (Universidad La Gran Colombia, 2018) Ayala Cepeda, Paula Camila; Mendoza Mahecha, Miguel Ángel; Vallejo Acuña, David
    The teaching and learning processes of languages in an educational institution are determined by the curricular documents proposed in the State policy, the curricular practice of the professors, and the curriculum. These three sources guide the English courses at the Universidad La Gran Colombia. In this context, there is a debate about whether the implementation of the curriculum of an English course enhances the development of different skills for learning English as a second language (ESL), and if the development of it has an effective impact on the scope of the proposed objectives. This proposal was made following a qualitative paradigm with a retrospective approach of a curricular analysis of the institutional documents. The perceptions of both professors and students of the Pre-intermediate English course (2018-I) were also a main factor to be taken into consideration and were therefore measured through semi-structured interviews to determine to what extent the curricular design develops the oral communication skills in the students. The study was held at the Universidad La Gran Colombia (UGC), in the city of Bogotá, with professors and students belonging to the B. Ed in English program. The emphasis held was English within the context of the subject of Pre-intermediate English, which is a course offered during the second semester of the program. The study evidences the several findings that arise from the analysis and contrast made through the triangulation of the usefulness dimensions of the curriculum, the organization of the curriculum, curriculum implementation, technology, and curricular content, as well as the perceptions about the curriculum. These findings focus on a series of reflections on the possible improvement actions that can be used at the curricular level in order to obtain results that are more effective in the development of oral communication skills for learning English, the achievement of learning objectives, and the integration of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT)
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    English pronunciation: difficulties for a chinese speaker
    (Universidad La Gran Colombia, 2018) Moreno Regalado, Joan Alejandro; Pinzón Pinto, Yoana Cristina
    This article reports on a case study that describes the pronunciation difficulties faced by a 39 years old Chinese speaker of female gender, who possesses a B1 (Common European Framework of Reference), required to apply to an internship in the process of learning English as a second language in the context of United States of America. To develop this topic, a questionnaire was designed and sixteen questions were selected to have a diagnosis of the student's difficulties. During the teaching process through observation, diagnostic and the theoretical framework, it was discovered that the difficulties with the pronunciation of the English language faced by the Chinese speaker are related to four aspects: first: the pronunciation of the vowels (i, u, a) and consonants (p, b, t, d, k, g, v, f, s, z, l, and r), second: tension of the word, third: patterns of intonation, and finally Chinese culture.
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    English oral proficiency and inclusion process during an inmersion trip
    (Universidad La Gran Colombia, 2015) Muñoz Fernández, Danny Marcel; Nielsen Niño, Jaddy Brigitte
    Inside a social context overall, each individual needs roads generated by the language, where there is the opportunity to share in relation to other members of society: wants, needs, joys, sorrows, doubts, and of course knowledge. Even the individual to learn something for his or her own benefit should also take into account the basic communication process. As a result, this article provides emphasis on oral proficiency in English as Second Language. In this case, it is taken as a reference to Latin American students who are outside of their cultural and social context through immersion trips to an English speaking country. Government and educational entities must implement a curriculum necessary to develop oral skills in a second language, in this case the English language. In order to create a suitable environment for the student and actually generate an inclusive education, pointing to the active participation in the academic group serves as a basis for the development of the individual and the development of society.
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    Educational inclusion as a social transformation tool
    (Universidad La Gran Colombia, 2015) Moya, Jaime Alberto; Nielsen Niño, Jaddy Brigitte
    This article focuses on the research called social inclusion in education. It attempts to formulate a new perspective on the integration of students, specifically those with special educational needs. Drawing on a project explored previously, which focused on the real social environment where the human remains immersed throughout life and in turn is supported within the educational context. It is also here that our first concepts are learned but also fears and difficulties are overcome, to prepare is a better word choice - propagate is used mainly with ideas the individual for the future. Finally, the importance of adequate inclusive processes are highlighted within higher education. This creates a new approach in which these people can study in college without being branded as "weird / abnormal," or in the worst case, be excluded from the educational system.
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    Parallel between the behaviorist pedagogical model and constructivist pedagogical model
    (Universidad La Gran Colombia, 2015) Contreras Buitrago, Andrés Leonardo; Cortés Martin, Javier
    This research is aimed to analize the dimensions of the behaviorist and the constructivist pedagogical models in order to highlight their characteristics, and to be a reference in future research focused on the analysis of educational models or the design of an emerging model based on aspects of these models. In that sense, it arises a number of categories that describe different dimensions of each model, focused mainly on content, the teacher- student relation, in strategies and methods according to this model and evaluative path that each model has.
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    Fostering the communicative competence through courses at missouri state university
    (Universidad La Gran Colombia, 2016) Garzon Galeano, Erik Damian; Nielsen Niño, Jaddy Brigitte
    In this article the most frequent factors for the improvement of the communicative competence are analyzed, in this case, English. This was possible thanks to a case study of 6 students of B.A the English program from Universidad La Gran Colombia, who offered to this research all their experience in this kind of immersion course. They shared that experience by some interviews and life stories which were really important for the final result. For this research, the participants made an immersion course at Missouri State University; some of them in 2013 and others in 2014. In this way, the research gives a perspective about how to act and which aspects should be taken into account in order to improve the communicative competence as much as possible in short immersion spaces.
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    Considerations about inclusive education process for visually impaired papulation in the b.ed. in english at Universidad La Gran Colombia / Consideraciones sobre el proceso de educación inclusiva para personas en condición de discapacidad visual en el programa de literatura en inglés de la Universidad La Gran Colombia
    (Universidad La Gran Colombia, 2016) Orozco Ortiz, David Alejandro; Montero Londoño, Yanneth Cristina
    The following article attempts to cope with the lack of inclusive teaching practices at La Universidad La Gran Colombia, notably in the B. Ed. in English Program. I construct my main points around two perspectives: inclusive education as a requirement in colleges within mainstream classrooms, and social responsibility of universities to further the inclusion programs within the Colombian education and labor system. The analysis is based on supporting documents provided by Instituto Nacional para Ciegos (National Institute for the Blind INCI), article 14 of Decree 2082/ 1993, and a research paper called “The attention University Professors Give to Students with Special Educational Needs” (2015) among others. From my point of view, the B.Ed. in English Program barely integrates the inclusion policies with the type of strategies needed to prepare the pre-service teachers with the required knowledge to face inclusive classrooms, nor does it provide sufficient support, particularly to students with low vision through the necessary accommodations and modifications. As a result, teachers have to neglect their teaching role to adapt an assistant-6 related methodology in the class development. Therefore, it is necessary to foster proper training, protocols, and resources to improve inclusive teaching practices in the B.Ed. in English Program. The information showed in this paper is part of a reflective process which also gathers experiences from a student of the English program with visual impairment.
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    Historic centers in Springfield, Missouri as socio-cultural factors for learning English as a second language
    (Universidad La Gran Colombia, 2016) Medina Hernández, Viviana; Nielsen Niño, Jaddy Brigitte
    The aim of this article is to show the reader the way in which historic centers of a city are useful at the time of learning and acquiring a second language, such as English, in this case through the immersion experience in a country where English is the native language, specifically in the city of Springfield, Missouri in the United States of America. Some theoretical references will be shown during the development of this article, which have been found to support the ideas about the influence that historic centers have when learning a second language. The qualitative approach which will guide this research uses a sample of “volunteer participants” and data collection material, such as the semi structured interview. As a conclusion, it is determined whether the Historic Centers located in Springfield, Missouri have an influence in the process of learning a second language, taking into account suggestions and/or general recommendations such as looking for alternatives that provide a constructivist pedagogical approach with a socio-cultural interaction and perspective for the development of student´s linguistic skills. Keeping in mind that all these aspects are relevant during future academic processes and that are developed as a consequence of using historic centers as a vehicle for learning English.
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    Didactic units for teaching a foreigin language through mathematics with fourth graders at I.E.D. Manuel del Socorro Rodríguez
    (Universidad La Gran Colombia, 2016) Zapata Cifuentes, Erika Paola; Montero Londoño, Yanneth Cristina