Ingeniería Civil

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  • Ítem
    Fortalezas y debilidades que presentan los ingenieros civiles al elaborar un presupuesto de obra
    (Universidad La Gran Colombia, 2024) Hernández Galindo, Tulio Steven; Gutierrez Torres, Arnold Giuseppe
    La Ingeniería Civil es una disciplina que desempeña un papel vital en el crecimiento y desarrollo de la infraestructura y economía de cualquier país. Dentro de esta área, existen distintos procesos administrativos esenciales para el éxito de los proyectos. Uno de ellos es la planificación, donde se define el alcance, su factibilidad, la programación de las actividades y la estimación de los costos del proyecto. Por lo tanto, se plantea identificar algunas de las fortalezas y debilidades a las que se enfrentan los ingenieros civiles recién egresados de la Universidad La Gran Colombia al generar presupuestos de obra, a partir de la experiencia adquirida durante las prácticas como auxiliar administrativo de ingeniería civil en la empresa Spatium Ingeniería SAS. Se evidencio que las principales dificultades radican en la falta de conocimiento sobre los procesos constructivos más eficientes y/o actuales. Al mismo tiempo, muchos ingenieros civiles no están familiarizados con los programas como Revit, Opus Presupuesto Programable, Quercusoft, SINCO ERP, entre otros. Así que, se plantean posibles soluciones para mejorar la eficiencia en este proceso mediante la integración de sistemas ERP (Enterprise Resources Planning).
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    Análisis en la patología de un muro de contención ubicado en el corredor víal Bogotá-Villeta (historia clínica)
    (Universidad La Gran Colombia, 2024) Victorino Vargas, Cindy Paola; Cepeda Sánchez, Miguel Alejandro; Zamora Herrera, Paula Andrea; Pira Ruiz, Jenny Magaly
    Esta investigación aborda el análisis detallado de la historia clínica de las diversas patologías que afectan a un muro de contención ubicado en la vía Bogotá-Villeta comprendido del tramo 51+000 al 51+100. Estas patologías representan desafíos significativos para la estabilidad y la seguridad de la infraestructura vial, lo que requiere una evaluación exhaustiva y medidas correctivas adecuadas. El estudio identifica una serie de patologías comunes, incluidas grietas, desplazamientos, infiltraciones de agua y deterioro del material del muro. Cada una de estas patologías se analiza en términos de sus causas probables, efectos potenciales y posibles soluciones. Se realizó una evaluación exhaustiva de las causas subyacentes de estas patologías realizando una historia clínica, que incluyen factores geológicos, condiciones climáticas, diseño deficiente, falta de mantenimiento adecuado y cargas externas inesperadas. Con base en el análisis realizado, se propusieron una serie de recomendaciones y soluciones para abordar las patologías identificadas. Esta investigación ofrece una visión integral de las patologías que afectan al muro de contención en la vía, destacando la importancia de abordar estos problemas de manera proactiva y con soluciones efectivas para garantizar la seguridad y la funcionalidad continua de la infraestructura vial.
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    Viabilidad de la implementación de un sistema recolector de aguas lluvias integrado a la cubierta y la fachada de la Facultad de Ingenierías de la Universidad La Gran Colombia
    (Universidad La Gran Colombia, 2024) Cañon Cocinero, Juan Sebastián; Newball Roman, Uryan; Peñuela Duarte, Jhonatan Alexander; Caro Galindo, Camilo Andrés
    El proyecto tiene como objetivo evaluar la viabilidad de implementar un sistema de recolección y almacenamiento de aguas lluvias en la Facultad de Ingenierías de la Universidad La Gran Colombia, calculando la demanda de agua potable y el volumen de agua lluvia captada. El diseño del sistema abarcará tanto la cubierta como la fachada del edificio, evaluando su viabilidad técnica y económica. La metodología se dividirá en tres etapas: recolección de datos pluviales y de consumo de agua, diseño del sistema de captación y evaluación de su eficiencia. En la primera etapa, se estima la oferta y la demanda de agua mediante la precipitación promedio mensual de la zona de estudio y los recibos de acueducto de la facultad. En la segunda etapa, haciendo uso de las curvas IDF, se calculó el caudal que va a fluir para cada área de captación de la cubierta y fachada. Con esto, se dimensiona el sistema de recolección de agua lluvia por medio del método SHO. En la tercera etapa, se evalúan dos factores principales para determinar la viabilidad del proyecto: en primer lugar, se hace una relación entre la demanda y oferta de agua para comprobar la eficiencia del sistema en suplir las necesidades sanitarias de la facultad; por otro lado, se realiza una comparación entre el ahorro económico en los recibos del acueducto y el presupuesto del proyecto para estimar un periodo de retorno de la inversión inicial. Se estima que el sistema podría ahorrar el 90.6% del agua potable utilizada en la facultad, cubriendo sus necesidades durante 8 meses al año, con la cubierta aportando el 77.6% del agua y la fachada el 13%. Los beneficios incluyen una fuente alternativa y renovable de agua, la reducción del impacto ambiental y de costos, y una mejora en la sostenibilidad e imagen de la institución.
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    Manual para la construccion de instalaciones internas de gas en proyectos multifamiliares: Tablero didáctico de instalaciones residenciales de gas Jonathan Fie
    (Universidad La Gran Colombia, 2024) Fierro Castaño, Jonathan; Castro Joya, Christian Fabian; Tobito Cuberos, Manuel Antonio
    La guía, y el tablero didáctico es una investigación para fortalecer el material de enseñanza del laboratorio del programa de Ingeniería civil para que los estudiantes conozcan sobre las instalaciones internas de gas natural de las edificaciones, con el propósito de mejorar la formación de ingenieros civiles especializados en infraestructuras residenciales y comerciales. El problema central identificado en los estudiantes de la universidad La Gran Colombia, es que no conocen los procedimientos para solicitar y radicar, un proyecto de instalaciones internas de gas natural, lo que dificulta la adquisición de habilidades esenciales y el entendimiento profundo en este campo. La justificación de este proyecto se enfoca en la importancia de la formación en instalaciones internas de gas, para garantizar que el estudiante pueda cumplir con las regulaciones, normativas y estándares ante el procedimiento interno de gas natural. Los antecedentes identificados nos arrojan la falta de material como cartillas ilustrativas, que complementen la enseñanza teórica-práctica, por tal motivo la importancia de contar con recursos didácticos para la formación y comprensión de los recursos solicitados por Gas Natural
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    Comparación de la estructura metálica y los muros en durapanel con los sistemas constructivos convencionales en función del costo, el alcance y el tiempo de proyectos de la constructora APRIX
    (Universidad La Gran Colombia, 2024) Farfán Lancheros, Nestor Yesid; Caro Pallares, Miguel Antonio; Caro, Miguel Antonio
    Aprix Construction is looking for competitive construction systems that optimize resources, meet quality and safety standards, the main challenge is to identify the most beneficial option in terms of cost, scope and execution time. Traditional methods are common, but modern systems promise significant improvements. The lack of specific comparative analysis makes it difficult to make informed decisions. Each material and system has unique advantages and disadvantages e.g. reinforced concrete and clay blocks are inexpensive, but less efficient in time and scalability. Metal framing is expensive but fast and durable; while durapanel is easy to install, efficient and low maintenance, ideal for quick and adaptable projects.
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    Diseño bioclimático como solución a desafíos térmicos en una vivienda de clima cálido en Flandes, Tolima
    (Universidad La Gran Colombia, 2024) Diaz Rico, Carlos Eduardo; Guzman Martinez, Juan David; Rojas Valbuena, Julian Leonardo; Gutiérrez Torres, Arnold Giuseppe
    En la presente monografía se propone un diseño bioclimático para la vivienda A224 de San Felipe de Barajas, en Flandes, Tolima, con el objetivo de mejorar el confort térmico mediante la integración de estrategias pasivas como la orientación solar, el sombreado y la ventilación natural. Estas estrategias buscan reducir la dependencia de sistemas de climatización convencionales y resolver la problemática de la temperatura elevada. Para el análisis, se realizaron encuestas y visitas de campo que permitieron recopilar información y datos relevantes sobre la temperatura, las velocidades y las direcciones de los vientos predominantes en la zona. Estos datos se implementaron en el modelado y la simulación de la vivienda actual, utilizando Revit y Autodesk CFD Ultimate. Posteriormente, se realizó un nuevo modelado que incluyó las estrategias bioclimáticas implementadas, junto con sus respectivos análisis. Los resultados incluyen un análisis solar, un estudio del comportamiento térmico de la vivienda y una evaluación de las estrategias de ventilación implementadas, así como el cálculo del presupuesto necesario para adaptar las estrategias bioclimáticas en la vivienda. El análisis solar mostró que impermeabilizar el muro derecho exterior con alta reflectancia solar disminuye la temperatura hasta un 20%. Las pérgolas y aleros generaron sombras significativas, reduciendo la incidencia solar en un 44.7% en ciertas áreas y proporcionando sombra adicional en otras. La implementación de dos extractores en la segunda planta mejoró el flujo de aire en áreas críticas, incrementando la velocidad del viento de una media de 0.7 m/s a 1.35 m/s, una mejora del 92.86%. La temperatura general de la vivienda disminuyó en promedio de 41° a 38° Celsius, con una mejora de hasta 3 grados en algunas áreas. Se demuestra que el diseño propuesto puede mejorar significativamente el confort térmico y reducir la dependencia de sistemas de climatización artificiales. El presupuesto base de las estrategias implementadas es de 26´208.760 pesos, lo cual incluye costos de material,mano de obra, administración, imprevistos y utilidad.La monografía concluye que el diseño bioclimático es una solución viable y efectiva para enfrentar los desafíos térmicos en regiones de clima cálido como Flandes, Tolima.
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    Caracterización de las rutas utilizadas por ciclistas de la Universidad la Gran Colombia (Sede centro, Bogotá) mediante tecnología SIG
    (Universidad La Gran Colombia, 2024) Bautista Quiroga, Ana María; García Gutiérrez, Wilber Andrés; Sepúlveda Ortiz, Jeimy Paola; Jurado Gordo, Diana María; Torres Sánchez, Wilson Enrique
    El presente trabajo de grado tuvo como objetivo principal desarrollar un estudio de caracterización de las rutas más frecuentadas por ciclistas para acceder a la Universidad La Gran Colombia en Bogotá, sede centro. Esto incluyó la identificación de puntos de congestión, análisis de conectividad, evaluación de la frecuencia de uso y examen del tipo de infraestructura disponible, utilizando Sistemas de Información Geográfica (SIG). Se llevó a cabo una encuesta utilizando la aplicación ArcGIS Survey123, una aplicación diseñada para la recopilación de datos mediante encuestas georreferenciadas. Esta encuesta proporcionó datos adicionales sobre las preferencias y experiencias de los ciclistas en relación con las rutas frecuentadas, permitiendo así un análisis completo y detallado. Mediante esta herramienta, se recopiló información sobre factores como la percepción de seguridad, la calidad de la infraestructura para el tránsito de los ciclistas y los puntos críticos de congestión. Esta recopilación de datos enriqueció el análisis y contribuyó a la formulación de recomendaciones para mejorar la movilidad ciclista de la universidad. Esta información se utilizó para realizar tableros de control mediante ArcGIS Online. Asimismo, se llevó a cabo la recopilación de datos de las minutas del bici-parqueadero de la Sede del centro de la Universidad en Bogotá. Dichas minutas proporcionaron información importante, como la cantidad de usuarios de bicicletas, su género, las horas pico, las horas de menor afluencia y el medio de transporte. Esta información se utilizó para crear informes interactivos mediante Power BI. Está investigación permitió reconocer las rutas frecuentes utilizadas por los bici-usuarios e identificar el tipo de infraestructura presente y observar la carencia de está. Asimismo, se realizaron recomendaciones de rutas para la mejora de la movilidad de los bici-usuarios de la Universidad La Gran Colombia, para dirigirse a la sede centro en Bogotá. Entre las sugerencias se incluye el apoyo a la comunidad ciclista, la promoción de una cultura de movilidad sostenible, el fomento de rutas seguras, el monitoreo y la evaluación continua, y el desarrollo de programas de seguridad y educación vial.
  • Ítem
    Water quality in Colombia is an issue of growing relevance that requires a continuous process of management and evaluation of water resources to determine their suitability for human consumption. This process involves measuring and analyzing the quality of water bodies, either through in situ or laboratory tests, following the regulations established in Resolution 2115 of 2007, which defines the factors to be considered to ensure the correct execution of this process. In order to support data management and avoid the loss of information, it is necessary to resort to technology and programming to automate and optimize the management of data related to risk indicators in water samples from water supply sources in the Department of Cundinamarca. For this purpose, the development of a system that allows the capture, storage and consultation of characteristic data of a water sample from the source under study is proposed. The main objective is to implement a real-time data management system that complies with the water data processing and analysis standards established by current regulations, with the purpose of improving decision making regarding water resource management.
  • Ítem
    Propuesta para la implementación de sistemas urbanos de drenaje Sostenible (SUDS) y adecuación en la red de drenaje pluvial cercana al Colegio Federico García Lorca Sede B en el barrio Yomasa Segundo Sector en la localidad de Usme
    (Universidad La Gran Colombia, 2024) Rodríguez Murillo, Camila; Molano Ríos, Yeison Antonio; Ayala, Luis Efrén
    Currently, water resources are crucial in the development of communities, within the objectives and goals of sustainable development, it is number 6. Which contemplates clean water and sanitation, from engineering the alternatives are identified to protect the water, and make the most of the resource, for this reason, this study is developed, to identify the various types of sustainable drainage systems (SUDS), and apply it in a real case where problems with rainwater systems are evidenced. This monograph is developed around the Federico García Lorca Headquarters B School, in the Yomasa second sector neighborhood, in the town of Usme, where problems in the storm sewer system on the periphery of the educational institution are evident, such as failures of the drainage system, lack of filtration, erosion of the structure of the platforms, accumulation of sediments and solid waste, damage to the rigid pavements, inside the school poor management and lack of foresight of architectural and civil problems since its conception, so the study of the existing sewerage system is carried out, analyzing the information and proposing an alternative, which allows correcting the shortcomings and improving the quality of life of the community of the Yomasa neighborhood. By implementing sustainable drainage systems, it not only contributes to the care and reduction of the pollutants present in the water, but also to reduce the impermeability of the hard areas that are in the cities, by having additional systems to the conventional ones, it helps to preserve them, mitigating the effects generated by rainfall peaks and improving the well-being of the community and to be able to provide quality education for the students of the school (TheCircularLab, 2023). According to the variables recognized in the study, a comprehensive proposal will be determined to provide a solution to current problems, by incorporating a subhead and positioning the drains to the existing storm sewer system, adaptations in the architecture and landscaping of the school, avoiding the accumulation of solid waste by the community, within the educational institution a system of channels and downspouts is proposed for the conduction of water from the roofs of the school buildings to the green areas, where the implementation of Aquacell systems is carried out, which allow water to be stored and an infiltration into the ground in a controlled way of both green areas and hard areas made with permeable concrete.
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    Análisis cualitativo del impacto ambiental de un asfalto RAP y asfalto virgen a través de matriz de Leopold
    (Universidad La Gran Colombia, 2024) Cepeda Vargas, Angie; Trujillo Cortes, Laura Alejandra; Cuarán Cuarán, Zuleny Irene; Ayala Rojas, Luis Efrén
    This article has done by the research group on Construction Materials and Sustainability (SEIMAS), which is based on the use of reclaimed pavement asphalt (RAP), where this asphalt recovery has become a sustainable and innovative technique. This study evaluates the characterization of reclaimed asphalt from a non-experimental qualitative component and the environmental impact analysis by means of Leopold's weighting evaluation matrix for virgin asphalt from the extraction, processing, transport and application, and reclaimed asphalt from its recovery, treatment, and use. The results of the characterization of the recovered asphalt indicate that rejuvenating agents should be added so that the material recovers its physical and mechanical properties. Additionally, with the qualitative evaluation and analysis, critical negative impact evaluations were obtained when processing and using virgin asphalt; as for the recovered asphalt, very important positive impact evaluations were obtained for the environment, so using this material for the generation of a new construction element such as conventional light traffic pavers is considered a sustainable and environmentally sustainable alternative. This research work presents valuable information on the use of reclaimed asphalt and the benefits it generates, promoting the conservation and care of natural resources.
  • Ítem
    Proceso de captura de ocupaciones ilegales mediante el uso de técnicas de fotogrametría con dron en el sector de El Mirador del Paraíso de la localidad de Ciudad Bolívar en la ciudad de Bogotá.
    (Universidad La Gran Colombia, 2024) Mosquera Martinez, Santiago; Jurado Gordo, Diana Maria; Jurado Gordo, Diana Maria
    The main objective of this research article is to propose a methodological adjustment in the process of vectorization of squatting identifiable in a drone orthophoto generated from a previous photogrammetric process, which allows obtaining a geographical coverage that represents the squatting or illegal infrastructures present in the territory, providing an index of squatting that facilitates the implementation of institutional plans or programs for the mitigation of this phenomenon in the district.
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    Plan de mejora para el proceso de implementación de señalización horizontal en la localidad de Rafael Uribe Uribe
    (Universidad La Gran Colombia, 2024) Sánchez Reyes, Laura Valentina; Romero Alza, Miguel Alejandro; Silva Rojas, Ingrid Marylin; Díaz Martínez, Jorge Alberto
    The way in which a company is developed day by day for its correct operation and its effective management in each of its activities, are components of vital importance for the growth and future profitability of the company, that is why, more than evaluating the technical part of the different functions, such as documentation, contractual requirements, among others. It is essential to constantly review how their execution processes are used on site. The problem to be addressed in this document is thought for the company Gestión Vial Integral SAS, a company that was linked to the Universidad la Gran Colombia in the year 2023, in order to give the opportunity to its civil engineering students to obtain knowledge through the internship program. This is a company specialized in the signaling and road safety industry (G-Vial, 2019), during the last 10 years it has obtained more than 50 public tenders to road concessions, works in 121 cities in 32 departments and more than 4500 km of urban roads and demarcated roads. In the present document, as an academic project, the problems seen in the operational sector of the horizontal signaling, activity described in the theoretical framework of this document that details the specifications of this activity and the regulations applied, along with additional materials handled by the company. With the objective of offering the company a better development in the process of execution of the horizontal signaling on site, the pathologies that this presents after the realization and the shortcomings in execution are identified from a search of information where issues of applicability, use of materials and place of implementation are covered. Finally, a research methodology that leads us to meet the general and specific objectives of this project.
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    Plan de manejo y aprovechamiento de los residuos de construcción y demolición en la construcción del colegio Techo I
    (Universidad La Gran Colombia, 2024) Bohórquez Villanueva, Olga Jimena; Lobo Quijano, Johana; Morales, Monica
    Construction and Demolition Waste (CDW) represents a significant environmental and economic challenge in the construction industry. The objective of this work is to propose a plan for the management and use of CDW at the Techo I School as a mitigation measure. For this purpose, first, the sources of generation and classification of CDW during the different stages of construction were identified; secondly, the alternatives for CDW management for large generators according to current regulations were considered; and finally, the CDW Management and Use Plan for the construction of Techo I School was elaborated. The development of the work allows us to conclude the importance of keeping an exhaustive record of the waste, including information on its final disposal. To this end, various alternatives for CDW management are implemented, such as classification and separation at source, the implementation of on-site material separation points and control of the volumes of CDW generated at the construction site. It is important to take into account the efficiency, efficacy and effectiveness of CDW at the construction site.
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    Análisis de patología para el estado de integridad del sistema estructural del edificio Cudecom
    (Universidad La Gran Colombia, 2024) Chaparro Velandia, Oscar Estiben; García Becerra, Karen Yiseth; Pira Ruiz, Jenny Magaly; Pira Ruiz, Jenny Magaly
    The world’s cultural heritage plays an important role in society, as it is a symbol of history and identity, which allows us to know the architectural traditions of ancient generations. However, many of them, being so old, tend to present pathologies in their materials that affect the structure in a timely manner. Therefore, it is important to preserve and protect the material and intangible assets that surround us, which allows cultural diversity among communities for the development of humanity. The methodology of this research was contemplated in studying a patrimonial property that is of great importance in Colombia, specifically in the city of Bogotá, which was the Cudecom building that was displaced 29 meters, an engineering achievement that achieved a Guinness record for 30 years. But in addition, the process of displacement also brought with it damages and injuries throughout the structure, which could have evolved by the type of pathology and natural phenomena that have been presented over the years. Based on the above, the case was studied and emphasis was placed on making a study of the damages that may have been generated. For this purpose, we worked on this project with the main objective of developing a pathology study of the Cudecom building, identifying and reviewing the damage present in the structure, in order to know the structural state. Therefore, a series of clear objectives were set for the development of the project, such as: To collect information regarding the pathologies that occur in a building. Once collected, it was organized in inspection sheets, which allowed identifying and classifying the damage and injuries present in the Cudecom building in a clearer and more detailed way during the visits. After organizing the information collected from the damages and injuries, the most important pathologies were reviewed and a range of magnitude of the damage was established. This revealed the number of minor, moderate and serious injuries. Based on the above, a qualitative and quantitative diagnosis of pathologies was established. And it was concluded that the structure requires a preventive maintenance intervention, since the injuries found do not generate a serious danger for the building.However, they must be addressed periodically to avoid the evolution of pathologies and generate significant damage in the structure. For these maintenance, possible solutions were established based on manuals for reinforcement and repair of minor and moderate injuries and damage. In addition, a vulnerability study of the structure is recommended, as indicated by the NSR-10 in chapter A.10, so the building being old was not governed by current regulations.
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    Mejoramiento de la señalización vial en ciclorrutas con el uso de la tecnología fotoluminiscente
    (Universidad La Gran Colombia, 2024) García Torres, Luis Eduardo; Cabieles Salazar, David Camilo; Cuaran Cuaran, Zuleny Irene
    The purpose of the research was to find a way to improve the visibility of bicycle paths through the use of photoluminescent technology. We started with a normative review of photoluminescent technology, then selected a photoluminescent material that would be the most suitable for implementation in bike lanes depending on its affordability and visually evaluated its performance in asphalt and hydraulic concrete specimens. Twelve samples were used in total, six asphalt concrete specimens and six hydraulic concrete specimens. When reviewing the Colombian standard, there is no specification for photoluminescent materials applied in road signs and after a review in the different countries where this technology has been used, no specification was found either, since this technology is relatively new and its objective has been artistic applications in many cases. Of the available materials found in the local market, photoluminescent epoxy paint was chosen because it is intended for use on floors. The results indicate that by visual inspection the paint works best on a white surface as traditional paint for road marking and demarcation and when applied without any layer underneath it does not reflect the expected luminescence, in this case the traditional paint used for traffic demarcation and it is defined that this paint does not work mixed because it loses its luminescence. The results of luminescence time indicate that with an exposure of three hours for the recharge of the material is enough to last at least eight hours, according to the test performed in the soil laboratory of the Engineering Faculty of the Universidad La Gran Colombia.
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    Análisis descriptivo del proceso constructivo en la construcción de las vías calle 57a bis sur, carrera 81d y calle 57b sur en el barrio Gran Britalia.
    (Universidad La Gran Colombia, 2024) Rivera Ochoa, Edwin Fernando; Silva Rojas, Ingrid Marylin; Ayala, Luis Efrén
    The central focus of this monograph is to conduct a detailed analysis of the construction process implemented in Calle 57A Bis Sur, Carrera 81D and Calle 57B Sur, located in the Gran Britalia neighborhood. Each stage of the construction process is thoroughly examined, from the initial planning phase to the practical execution in the field, with the objective of obtaining a comprehensive understanding of the dynamics and challenges inherent to the construction of these road infrastructures. Special attention is given to the time planning of the project, prioritizing the efficient management of execution times. Likewise, the technical specifications applied are analyzed in detail, focusing especially on the regulations established by the Urban Development Institute (IDU) and the National Roads Institute (INVIAS). This analysis includes soil tests and the evaluation of the characteristics of the existing soils, with the purpose of diagnosing possible improvements in the existing granulometries or determining the need for new structures or improvements.
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    Preservación de la Información de Diseño Estructural En el Edificio CUDECOM en la calle 19 con av. Caracas, Bogotá, Colombia, 2023 2° Semestre
    (Universidad La Gran Colombia, 2024) Florián Forero, Sergio Ricardo; Rojas Cucunuba, Camilo Andrés; Caro Pallares, Miguel Antonio; Morales Corredor, Mónica
    The use of BIM methodology is proposed to evaluate the most representative architectural changes of the CUDECOM heritage building located on 19th Street and Caracas Avenue, from its displacement to the present. By means of the modeling carried out in Revit 3D software, the derivation between 1975 and 2023, the different changes were addressed through a detailed analysis of the order of distribution of the internal areas, using the findings found in technical visits developed in the building. Likewise, the work carried out in the research internship is integrated as a fundamental basis for this project. In that sense, the modeling in both times of the building works as a useful method for the preservation of heritage in search of structural safety and evaluation of physical integrity, providing an important tool to clarify this new work strategy that allows documenting the state of the building over time and additionally better understanding its historical context. Finally, a versatile model was provided for analysis and simulation in academic disciplines related to Civil Engineering.
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    Recopilación y generación de documentación BIM a partir de levantamiento de información con LiDAR terrestre
    (Universidad La Gran Colombia, 2024) Gonzalez Puentes, Alvaro; Jurado Gordo, Diana María
    The objective of this degree work is the generation of building information modeling (BIM) documentation of road assets in the city of Bogotá, the PIX4D catch mobile application is used from a second generation iPad to obtain a point cloud and thus generate an exact three-dimensional model in conjunction with an external photogrammetric information survey work. Subsequently, the formats of the point clouds in Global Mapper must be adjusted, information must be created in Civil3D and Navisworks to generate interoperability between various engineering softwares and thus take advantage of them to make BIM documentation in Revit, in addition the project seeks to evaluate the efficiency and accuracy of a terrestrial information survey with this Light Detection and ranging (LiDAR) technology with respect to an information survey with a cane of kinematic positioning technology real-time (RTK) functional with the Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS).
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    Desarrollo de la programación de obra del proyecto porta 87 a partir de la aplicación Del software de Microsoft Project
    (Universidad La Gran Colombia, 2024) Franco Rivera, Nicolas; Cifuentes Ospina, Nancy; Cifuentes Ospina, Nancy
    Porta 87 is a project that began in 2019, consisting of an 8-story residential building, 27 apartments in total, with an approximate area of 3,791 square meters, located in the exclusive Los Rosales neighborhood and classified as stratum 6, led mainly by the construction company Aprixconstructions, although the project was developed successfully in its entirety, there was an important aspect from which its execution could be optimized, and that was the programming and monitoring, since this is carried out in the vast majority in an analogous way, if The development of the civil works could well be completed, it is estimated that having used technological tools would bring significant benefits, this is how it was proposed to develop the programming with Microsoft Project, which is a program developed exclusively to carry out the programming and monitoring of almost any project. . , and thus be able to carry out an analysis of the opportunities for improvement that were generated from programming in an analogous manner compared to the Software in question. In the first instance, the programming carried out was reviewed to extract important information such as the activities carried out and the resources used, as well as the monitoring carried out on the project. All pertinent data were consecutively entered into Microsoft Project with the proper organization to that the software can provide the necessary results and reports, and finally a comparison is made between the two ways of programming, where the advantages and disadvantages of the technological tool are highlighted.
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    Diseño de mezclas para un concreto de alta resistencia
    (Universidad La Gran Colombia, 2024) Castellanos Rodríguez, Angie Yulieth; Gavilanes, José Dario; Gavilanes, José Darío
    The continuous use of construction materials generates high exploitation and reduction of resources, which forces generations to find solutions that solve the shortages caused by To exceed the limits. This paper describes an exploratory – experimental research, which consists of carrying out a concrete mix design where, first of all, its resistance are greater than those generally used and second, this design is carried out without the need of equipment with high capacities, since the tests are carried out from the Laboratory of the University of La Gran Colombia Faculty of Engineering Bogotá; in order that these results can be used to a wide range of structures (simple and complex), and giving way to the possible decrease in the use of raw materials for construction, since having greater resistance, designs could be generated with smaller construction area.