Licenciatura en Filosofía e Historia
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Ítem Algunas nociones sobre la formación de las subjetividades en los estudiantes y sus estructuras esenciales desde los manuales de convivencia, en la educación básica-media, pública y privada en Bogotá D.C, Colombia(Universidad La Gran Colombia, 2023) Caicedo Montenegro, Cristian Fabian; Vallejo Diaz, Diego MauricioSubjectivity is constitutive of the human, it will be in this process of development and creation of its bases in basic and secondary education that will be the object of study in this work, defining categories that are constantly repeated and that are used as meaning-forming foundations through institutional coexistence manuals, making subtle aspects in education key development and training processes that will later be reflected in modern societies, where for this case the city of Bogotá is no exception to the rule, it will be in this exercise of educational norms and laws where some modes of teaching and their possible scope in the formation of subjectivities as well as their eventual limitations can be traced. So, it could be said that the bet for this monograph goes through the capacity and characterization of the provisions of the manuals of coexistence, their identification, as well as the recognition of the ways in which they contribute to the formation of students by intervening in their ways of thinking, feeling and acting, both within private and public education. Always taking distance and emphasizing the differences that are important.Ítem El rap-debate como estrategia pedagógica para fortalecer las habilidades del razonamiento y la expresión oral, en los jóvenes del grado once de la Institución Educativa Chiloé.(Universidad La Gran Colombia, 2022) Machado López, Ángel David; Céspedes Aranda, Anderson yecid; González Sánchez, William FernandoThis pedagogical intervention was carried out at Institución Educativa Chiloé and implemented with eleventh graders. The purpose of the interventions was to provide the participants with a new perspective about freestyle and urban contemporary music since their pedagogical competences have not been recognized by the official sector of education. Especifícally, this music implies the use of philosophical competences regarding logical reasoning, linguistics competences in terms of literary and rethorical figures that go hand in hand with oratory. That is why in this monograph, based on the theoretical and historical framework of Freestyle-RAP and urban music, we collected important aspects that helped recognize the practice of this music as an appropriate pedagogical tool since it develops thinking and communicative skills. After this, we organized a protocol of class work based on the aspects collected previously in order to strength students’ thinking skills at Institución Educativa Chiloe.Ítem Proyecto educativo institucional, archivo histórico y principios de igualdad y equidad en Bogotá, Colombia 1994 - 2017(Universidad La Gran Colombia, 2022) Cepeda Torres, Jaime Alberto; Montero González, Martha Soledad; Cantillo Barrera, Alexandra PatriciaIn the world of education, when it comes to its social function, linked to the decision of a nation-state in terms of needs and opportunities. Therefore, education at any level and in any modality leads to scales of social valuation in relations of equality-inequality according to the place and position occupied in the culture. Therefore, the social function of education affects social position, income, intellectual development and, of course, people's well-being and dignified way of life. Hence, education conceived not only as a function and a fundamental right, but also as a public service under the designs of the Colombian State, which establishes the purposes, scope, obligations, and duties of the population, whether it is basic, secondary, technical, technological, and higher education. Thus, within the framework of the present Research Project Pedagogical discourse and inequality in the teaching of philosophy and critical reading in Colombia 1994-2017, call JCG_2019_2020, this research internship was approved by the Direction and Coordination of research of the Universidad La Gran Colombia and the Faculty of Education, with the purpose of tracing the notions of equality and equity in the Institutional Educational Projects of public educational institutions in Bogotá D.C., for the period from 1994 to 2017. The Institutional Educational Projects obey provisions of national character, therefore, it is of interest in this project, to identify how such notions are conceived according to the references in the development plans approved between the years 1990 to 2018, to subsequently account at the institutional level of what is raised in the PEI established by Law 115 of 1994, understood as the main instrument for the planning and evaluation of each educational institution, after a process of deliberation with the educational community in order to autonomously manage its function. Hence, the construction of the historical archive as a research instrument both constitutional, legal, and regulatory normative framework, as well as of the national education policy in the development plans of the period in question and the documents called PEIs, to identify the emphases, guidelines, and narratives around the principles of equality and equity.Ítem La formación del profesor, una lectura crítica a partir del Rizoma.(Universidad La Gran Colombia, 2022) Buitrago Orjuela, María Fernanda; Montero González, Martha SoledadThis monographic study has to do with the teacher's training in the Faculty of Educational Sciences of the National University, Bogotá Headquarters between 1960 and 1963, on the vision of teaching, method and practice that extends the field of professional performance (and trace a line of differentiation and actuality, taking as reference and support the notion of rhizome according to the philosophers Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari, to question the linear and binary tree model of said formation and present the rhizome as an alternative and anti-cultural field of understanding. hierarchy in the field of university education. Is it possible to question the teacher's arboreal training given at the Faculty of Education of the National University of Colombia from 1960 to 1963, Bogotá headquarters from the notion of rhizome?Ítem El concepto de irregularidad e incorregibilidad en la obra de Michel Foucault “Los Anormales”, una mirada a la formación moral en la escuela primaria en Colombia, durante la década de los años de 1960 a 1970(Universidad La Gran Colombia, 2022) Liberato Sánchez, Angie Lorena; Montero González, Martha SoledadThis research is concerned with the review and reconstruction of the concepts of irregularity individual and incorrigible in childhood, in the work of Michel Foucault's abnormally to make visible the rules of conduct and behavior in the perspective of the sanction, the prohibition, punishment, and exclusion to show the mechanisms and instruments of regulation in the moral formation of children in the Colombian school. This study obtains the information and data supported by the construction and documentation of a historical archive composed of manuals, primers, regulations, and observers for the registration of traits, characteristics, behaviors, deviations, disorders, and abnormal behaviors in primary education in the city of Bogotá Special District between the years 1960 and 1970.Ítem El concepto de justicia en la configuración del sujeto antiguo(Universidad La Gran Colombia, 2019) Ibáñez Alfonso, Edna lucía; Sánchez Cifuentes, Ana María; García Salazar, Edwin; García Salazar, EdwinWhat is done here is a research with elements of genealogy in five chapters that account for the analysis of the philosophical concept of “justice"; and its relation to truth in the formation of some aspects of Greek subjectivity. It requires the approach to the roots of its emergence in ancient Greece, so we proceed to give it a context and trace its development. This has made it possible to understand the emergence of this concept, its transmission and its deployment as a fertile force from which possibilities for life, culture and the State emerge. Since the concept discussed here is conceived as a quality of the soul; as a true virtue that always tends towards the idea of good, for which reason it is possible to enjoy a good State, as Plato put it. Justice then, understood as the guiding element of man's action and the realization of a good life on earth, in consequence with the realization of the divine mandate that contains truth; it is unveiled in antiquity by the poet, who has the duty to enlighten with true knowledge, since he has already traveled that long and arduous road that implies unveiling the message of the muses that promulgate truth since they are the only ones that know “what was, what is, what will be"; (Detienne, 2004, p. 62). And under which, formation and culture tend to follow, that is, formation must look to the past in the present in order to potentiate the future.Ítem La enseñanza de la historia del conflicto armado en Colombia desde la memoria histórica: percepción docente sobre su importancia e impacto en la historia del país.(Universidad La Gran Colombia, 2022) Avendaño Sandoval, Lady Alejandra; Sandoval Granados, John MauricioThe training of students in the area of education, in the country, includes skills and ways of thinking that are necessary for the meaningful and transformative educational exercise in training scenarios. The right to education has faced different obstacles that have limited its coverage and quality on certain occasions and territories, the armed conflict being one of these, since it is an element that has historically hindered educational processes, specifically in the so-called red or conflict Recognizing that the commitment of the professor who teaches history is essential in understanding and overcoming the armed conflict, it is intended to analyze the perspective of the students and professors of the Bachelor of Social Sciences of the Faculty of Educational Sciences of the Universidad La Gran Colombia, regarding the teaching of the history of the internal armed conflict in Colombia, from their professional training, in order to analyze and understand their perceptions and positions regarding the teaching of said phenomenon. With the aim of providing elements that allow the understanding of the teaching of the history of the armed conflict, a qualitative and exploratory research is designed, with an analytical-synthetic method that, using interviews as data collection instruments, allows to account from the perspective of graduates and students about the teaching of the history of the armed conflict and its importance for the country. Once the data has been analyzed, it is intended to demonstrate that the importance of teaching the history of the armed conflict is based on the need of the Colombian people to reconstruct memory, repair the victims, overcome the conflict and guarantee its non-repetition.Ítem Filosofía, arte y educación: análisis de la pintura como estrategia didáctica para la enseñanza y el aprendizaje de la filosofía moderna(Universidad La Gran Colombia, 2021) Loaiza Ortiz, Yessica Natalia; Sabogal Moreno, Gonzalo AlbertoThis document corresponds to a research proposal to carry out the undergraduate work within the framework of the Bachelor of Philosophy and History program of the Universidad la Gran Colombia. The research has as its general objective "Analyzing, theoretically and conceptually, the criticism, interpretation and understanding of painting as a teaching strategy for teaching and learning philosophical ideas and theories in Modernity" to achieve this, it has been adopted to place the development of research under qualitative methodology. It is, first and foremost, a documentary research of theoretical cut from which it is hoped to be able to obtain as a result a pedagogical proposal that contributes to the field of teaching practice in the scenario of the didactics of philosophy.Ítem La formación en competencias: un estudio sobre la gubernamentalidad neoliberal en la política educativa colombiana(Universidad La Gran Colombia, 2021) Bejarano Infante, Andrés Esteban; Galindo Olaya, Juan DiegoThe skills education has appeared as the technical and neutral response to the educational crisis manifested in the gap between the school and the demands of the business world. In this work we look at the way in which this understanding of educational practice is historically constituted through the discourse of educational policy, as well as its effects of power on subjectivity to produce individuals based on competence and management as a mode of existence, within the framework of a governmental reason that formalizes the business model in market societies as a whole. To this end, we describe the conditions of knowledge and power that allowed the construction of education as an economic force since the second half of the twentieth century and the shifts that have led to lead to competency training as a technology of governance of the school population, articulated to the logic of neoliberal governmental rationality, which produces «entrepreneur of himselfÍtem El concepto de mímesis a propósito de una educación para la mayoría de edad(Universidad La Gran Colombia, 2021) Leal Cortés, Diego Fernando; Rubiano, Christian; Rubiano, ChristianThis monographic work is based on identifying the main philosophical elements of a concept such as mimesis to establish a link in formative and pedagogical terms. Therefore, a trace of these ideas is carried out in Plato, Aristotle, Horkheimer and Adorno highlighting the following: that mimesis is an element of perception that leads to learning and allows individuals to adapt to the environment. In turn, the environment that is determined by political and ideological interests determines the way individuals act and think. With this, mimesis is placed at the center of the discussion of that totality. It is from this condition that environments can be reproduced and maintained over time. To achieve a synthesis between individual development and the environment regarding the concept of mimesis, the concept is proposed under the notion of education for the age of majority that tends to foster dynamic cultures that transcend dogmatism and possible deterministic environments that appeal to deception. For this purpose, the main Kantian notions regarding the use of reason, which is characterized as an element of criticism, are used.Ítem Concepción filosófica de pedagogía en Kant, Hegel y Nietzsche(Universidad La Gran Colombia, 2021) Salazar Mahecha, Katherine; Montero González, Martha SoledadThis monographic study focuses on the question of the conception of pedagogy between the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th century by three German philosophers of reference, Kant, Hegel and Nietzsche, in order to approach an answer on what is the philosophical conception of pedagogy that these thinkers have? What are the points of view of each of them regarding the philosophical question of education?In this direction, and as a reference, Norbert Elias reviews and reconstructs the categories of civilization and culture, who places education as a foundation in the constitution of cultural and civilizational processes. The reconstruction of the categories of civilization and culture is based on the approaches and researches that Norbert Elías makes in his work “The Process of Civilization” where he distinguishes the civilizing processes from the cultural ones, through the development of each concept in England, France and Germany. Although both civilization and culture are social constructions that unfold simultaneously, civilization is centered on the surface of social and individual formation, that is, it is based on the idea of progress, scientific, technical and, consequently, economic development, responding to the dynamics of the State by generalizing the way of being, thinking and acting in society, unlike culture, which is constituted by practices aimed at training. both individual and social, starting from the interiority of the human being, i. e. thought, its critical attitude towards social reality and the power to create.Ítem La Jovialidad en Nietzsche y la enseñanza actual de la filosofía en Colombia(Universidad La Gran Colombia, 2021) Feo Hurtado, Luis Carlos; Montero González, Martha SoledadEn este trabajo se hace una revisión sobre la noción de jovialidad desarrollada por el filósofo alemán Friedrich Nietzsche1 . El autor quien es relevante e influyente en el pensamiento filosófico del siglo XIX y posteriormente en los siglos XX y XXI permite construir una perspectiva a propósito de algunos escritos como lo son; El caminante y su sombra, La gaya ciencia y Schopenhauer como educador, necesarios para comprender la noción de jovialidad y considerar los problemas de la educación, la enseñanza, y el saber en la política curricular actual en Colombia. Dado que, en la época moderna la concepción escolástica en la educación y la escuela empiezan a abandonarse dando paso al modelo de la enseñanza, sobre la utilidad, y eficacia, lo que implicaba tomar en consideración y decidir sobre cuál es el conocimiento necesario para una cultura general y laboriosa de los jóvenes con el fin de que aprendan oficios, pasiones o profesiones que los articulen al sistema social y al mismo tiempo garanticen su supervivencia.Ítem Las características de la naturaleza humana en De Cive y su afinidad con la violencia en Colombia(Universidad La Gran Colombia, 2021) Rincón Gómez, Alejandro; Sabogal Moreno, Gonzalo AlbertoAccording to Thomas Hobbes (1742) man is evil by nature and he is constantly afraid of the war of all against all. Likewise, the English author argues that civil societies are constituted on the fear and inclination of man of safeguard his own life. Man does not congregate until he feels the need to take shelter in the company of other men to scape the vilness and constant fear of the state of nature. So Hobbes begins a theoretical work to characterize the state of nature as the condition to which every man would be subjected in the absence of a civil state. There men have no law and must defend themselves from the vileness of other men. There are cases in which these characteristics correspond to events that ocurrid during the history of Colombia. Even in the present time some of this characteristics of the state of nature persist in the supposed civil state in in which the citizens of Colombia live. Thus, this work aims to show these relationships with the state of nature of Thomas Hobbes argued in De Cive and show how citizens understand human vileness as something that cannot be scaped and from which it must be defended, since these facts are what constitute the life in general of the subjects in the Colombian territory.Ítem El concepto de normalización: herramienta para la problematización en educación(Universidad La Gran Colombia, 2021) Cañón González, Camilo Andrés; Reyes Neira, Cristian David; Ortiz Velázquez, Oscar Leonardo; Galindo Olaya, Juan DiegoThe task of philosophy consists in the creation of concepts that challenge what is taken for granted. From here in current monography it is shown how from the use of normalization concept, created by the philosopher Michel Foucault, it was possible to challenge the school. The above is made possible from construction of the following problems: First, politically docile and economically useful individuals are produced at school using disciplinary techniques. Second, from scholar population government and the use of means of appropriate channeling maintains that production. To account for this, it was performed a reconstruction of normalization concept from the piece “Discipline and Punish” and it interweaves with some research around the school. This exercise of analysis and reconstruction of the use of the concept opens a field in a question about the teaching of philosophy, while it has dealt with the historical and technical path of philosophizing and what arises from it. We assume what all philosophy lesson starts with the construction of problems, being these who remit when thinking for yourself, with which it is possible to take into consideration the "truths" that have been assumed. Thinking for problems allows one to think freely and perhaps it is that freedom of thought that leads us to live philosophically.Ítem Hacia una transformación de las orientaciones pedagógicas para la filosofía en la educación media en Colombia, desde una perspectiva de la filosofía intercultural(Universidad La Gran Colombia, 2019) Santa Bran, Dennis Lorena; Díaz Rodríguez, Jose Gregorio; Acevedo Oquendo, RogelioÍtem La noción de cuerpo y movimiento en la danza, según el punto de vista de la filosofía política de Baruch Spinoza y la educación artística en Colombia(Universidad La Gran Colombia, 2020) Padilla Ríos, Nicol Dayanna; Montero González, Martha SoledadÍtem Bukowski: “yo era un Barfly”. Una mosca de bar para la escritura(Universidad La Gran Colombia, 2019) García Ruiz, Amy Julieth; Montero González, Martha SoledadÍtem La responsabilidad social en el programa de Licenciatura en Filosofía e Historia de la Universidad La Gran Colombia: Análisis desde Guillermo Hoyos Vásquez(Universidad La Gran Colombia, 2018) Esteban Cruz, Christian Camilo; Serrano Ruiz, Iván Mauricio; Ramirez Díaz, Manuel FelipeThis paper analyses the sense of social responsibility of the bachelor’s degree programme in Philosophy and History at the Universidad La Gran Colombia, based on the critical and humanistic thinking of Professor Guillermo Hoyos Vázquez, which promotes the analysis of the concepts of social responsibility within the framework of university identity and relevance. All the above is worked on within the framework of a formative/qualitative research that includes the search for a contribution to the reflection of social responsibility in the bachelor’s Degree Program in Philosophy and History and the Universidad La Gran Colombia. From this point on, the comparative analysis of the theoretical component allows the present work to be divided into three parts. First, a conceptual identification and tracking of Social Responsibility from institutional documents as an approximation to the criteria for its justification. The second is the recognition of the conceptual differences between Corporate Social Responsibility and University Social Responsibility. The third and final component refers to the determination of the contributions to the critical humanist thought of Guillermo Hoyos Vázquez in the resignification of Social Responsibility in the Program and the UniversityÍtem Filosofía para niños: propuesta para el desarrollo del pensamiento crítico en estudiantes de educación media(Universidad La Gran Colombia, 2016) Chimbi Rojas, Esperanza; Ibagón Martin, Nilson JavierAccording to the difficulties identified in the teaching of philosophy it is necessary to establish mechanisms in the classroom to meet the needs of students. That is why in this paper the main features of Philosophy for Children program as an alternative for the development of dialogue skills in young contemplated. Therefore spaces in the classroom in which philosophy is projected through the problem of topics that relate to the daily lives of students, and it is fitting that a link is established with reality are generated. As little concrete and analytical, a series of targeted activities in which participation, inquiry and emergence of ideas for own critical thinking skills are taken into consideration be promoted are presented.Ítem Apuntes para una articulación crítica entre un proyecto ontológico de liberación y un programa curricular en construcción: Un análisis a la documentación legal vigente del programa de Lic en Filosofía e historia de la UGC a partir de la obra de Enrique Dussel Ética de la liberación en la edad de la globalización y la exclusión (1998)(Universidad La Gran Colombia, 2017) Santos Gutiérrez, Cristhian Ricardo; Acevedo Oquendo, RogelioThe present philosophical research text proposes a "No-Eurocentric" reading of those criteria, principles and concepts that underlie the theoretical framework under which it is intended to train the future graduates in Philosophy and History of Universidad La Gran Colombia, based on the analysis of the legal documentation in force that governs it and having as reference the ethical-pedagogical project presented by Enrique Dussel in his work: Ética de la liberación en la época de la globalización y la exclusion, published in 1998. So, in agreement with this objective, this work is around the methodological proposal of a formative research of qualitative type where the degree of depth from which the concrete phenomenon of study, would be addressed will be marked within the limits of an exploratory level of investigation and an analysis documentary papers. For these reasons, the present philosophical work will be divided in two parts: the first, the critical analysis of the criteria, principles and concepts of the ethical-pedagogical project proposed by Dussel and materialized in his 1998 Ethics. Second, the critical analysis of the criteria, principles and concepts that underpin the theoretical framework of the undergraduate program in Philosophy and History of the Universidad La Gran Colombia, and thus, to end with the unveiling of the conditions of possibility of a critical articulation between these two ontological projects.