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dc.contributor.advisorRojas Melo, Alejandra
dc.contributor.authorRodríguez, Adrián Alberto
dc.contributor.authorEscobar Obando, Jheimy
dc.contributor.authorOrellana, Gloria Isabel
dc.descriptionEsta investigación pretende Evaluar el impacto financiero en AXA COLPATRIA de los microseguros para los estratos 1 y 2 del Sector de Patio Bonito de la Ciudad de Bogotá, en la actualidad la aseguradora no emite microseguros siendo esta una debilidad que impide incrementar su portafolio de servicios y su respectiva rentabilidad. Adicionalmente, se pretende Analizar la percepción de las familias de los estratos 1 y 2 del Sector de Patio Bonito frente a la obtención del servicio de microseguros, Como técnica se llevará a cabo una encuesta a 100 personas del Sector Patio Bonito, de los estratos 1 y 2, permitiendo cuantificar las variables que se estudiarán. Para esto se construirán preguntas enfocadas a personas de estratos 1 y 2 del Sector Patio Bonito, población de interés para el presente trabajo. Hasta el año 2014, en Colombia se ha trabajado en el acceso al seguro para toda la población ofreciendo seguros masivos de bajo costo, el cual se ha implementado como microseguros, sin tener en cuenta las condiciones, necesidades y calidad de vida de las familias de bajos ingresos, perdiendo así el concepto fundamental de microseguro
dc.description.abstractThis investigation the financial impact tries to evaluate in AXA COLPATRIA of the micro insurances for the strata 1 and 2 of the Sector of Nice Court of the City of Bogota, at present the insurance one does not issue Micro insurances being this weakness that prevents from increasing his portfolio of services and his respective profitability. Additional, there tries To analyze the perception of the families of the strata 1 and 2 of the neighborhood of Nice Court opposite to the obtaining of the service of micro insurances, Since technology will carry out a survey to 100 persons of the neighborhood nice court, of the strata 1 and 2, allowing to quantify the variables that will be studied. For this there will construct themselves questions focused on persons of strata 1 and 2 of the neighborhood Nice Court, population of interest for the present work. With the previous thing I demonstrate certain ignorance opposite to this topic, besides certain dread of being defrauded and cheated for acquiring these types of services. Nevertheless, also one presents a great disposition opposite to the acquisition of these portfolios, 95 % would agree to obtain the above mentioned benefit. An hour well there were analyzed the external and internal variables of the micro insurances in AXA COLPATRIA S.A. The company belongs to the insurance sector; since Insurance there is understood any activity that implies assuring the risks exposed for natural as juridical persons. Of equal form one tries to determine the profitability from a budget in the one that us throws the feasibility of investment in this business type. Offering to the persons of low income the power to acquire a life insurance that protects them in case of presenting some disaster improving the quality of life between others. Until the year 2014, in Colombia one has been employed at the access to the insurance for the whole population offering massive insurances of low cost, which has been implemented as micro insurances, without bearing in mind the conditions, needs and quality of life of the families of low income, losing this way the fundamental concept of responsible micro
dc.subjectImpacto financierospa
dc.subjectRentabilidad para AXA Colpatriaspa
dc.subjectVariables externas e internasspa
dc.subjectMicroseguros - Colpatria - Patio Bonito (Bogotá, Colombia)spa
dc.titleEvaluación del impacto financiero de microseguros de AP-Vida en AXA Colpatria para los estratos 1 y 2 del sector Patio Bonito en Bogotáspa
dc.subject.lembAnálisis financierospa
dc.subject.lembAnálisis del valor (Control de costos)spa
dc.subject.lembMicroseguros - Colpatria - Bogotá (Colombia)spa
dc.subject.lembServicios financieros - Colpatria - Bogotá (Colombia)spa

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