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Especialización en Gerencia Financiera

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  • Ítem
    Las 5p como pilar en empresas de consultoría y gestión de marca Bogotá año 2018-2019
    (Universidad La Gran Colombia, 2019) Guzmán López, Samuel Francisco; Chamorro Futinico, Julio César
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    Análisis de las Operaciones Realizadas a Través de Banca Móvil en Colombia y su Incidencia en las Quejas de los Usuarios del Sector Financiero Durante el Período 2008-2018
    (Universidad La Gran Colombia, 2019) Cardenas, Dennis Nomelin; Abril Ramirez, Wilson Arcadio; Barragán García, Sandra Milena; Chamorro Futinico, Julio César
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    Relación Económica Del Presupuesto De Salud Y Los Recobros De Medicamentos Regulados No Pos En Colombia Durante El Periodo 2006 A 2016)
    (Universidad La Gran Colombia, 2019) Cárdenas Barreto, Jenny Catalina; Gerena Beltran, Marisol; Chamorro Futinico, Julio César
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    Explicación de la Importancia de las Políticas Monetarias en el crecimiento del PIB en el Período de 2008 al 2018 en Colombia
    (Universidad La Gran Colombia, 2019) Cubillos Jurado, Luisa Fernanda; Ramírez Segura, Erica Yulieth; Chamorro Futinico, Julio César
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    Evaluación Económica y Financiera de la Empresa ALPINA Productos Alimenticios S.A Periodo 2012 – 2017
    (Universidad La Gran Colombia, 2019) Diaz Suarez, Laura Milena; Zambrano Castro, Mitzio; Chamorro Futinico, Julio César
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    Análisis de los Efectos Socioeconómicos del Programa Nacional Integral de Sustitución de Cultivos de Uso Ilícito (PNIS) en GUAVIARE COLOMBIA, Durante el Periodo 2016-2018
    (Universidad La Gran Colombia, 2019) González Cabezas, Yazmin Andrea; Martin Arjona, Luz Elena; Chamorro Futinico, Julio César
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    Impacto en la Calidad de Vida de los Estudiantes Universitarios Desertores a Nivel Nacional en el Año 2016
    (Universidad La Gran Colombia, 2019) Camacho Chica, Diego Alejandro; Quiroga Toloza, Katherin; Chamorro Futinico, Julio César
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    Diseño de un Centro de Acopio, Pruebas y Toma de Muestras (CAPTM) de Concreto en la zona de Cota Cundinamarca.
    (Universidad La Gran Colombia, 2019) Guerrero, Daniel Camilo; Hernandez, Sol Yineth; Chamorro Futinico, Julio César
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    Análisis sobre la Implementación del TLC entre Colombia y Estados Unidos en el Sector de la Floricultura
    (Universidad La Gran Colombia, 2019) Sierra Bermúdez, Leidy Katherine; Guerrero González, Laura Milena; Salguero Beltran, Alexander; Chamorro Futinico, Julio César
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    Evaluación de la Eficiencia Financiera en las Cinco Empresas Más Representativas del Sector Automotor para el Año 2018
    (Universidad La Gran Colombia, 2019) Dussan Montoya, Héctor Albeiro; Montañez Zambrano, John Jairo; Chamorro Futinico, Julio César
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    Los forwards como instrumento de cobertura para los Fondos de Pensiones en Colombia
    (Universidad La Gran Colombia, 2019) Nariño Leguizamón, Faber Mauricio; Franco Moreno, Cesar Alexander
    In Colombia, Pension Funds have acquired a large share in the derivatives market, with the use of the forward as an instrument to hedge their investments in foreign currency, for these entities the use of this financial instrument has two purposes authorized by the Superintendence. Financial of Colombia as they are, the investment and coverage. For our case study we took the Voluntary Pension Fund, where we obtained historical data from 2008 to 2014 and found the amounts in foreign currency and its amount of coverage, on the other hand we mentioned some investment policies that this fund has to acquire titles in foreign currency and in what market authorized by the Superfinanciera can perform the operation. The Pension Funds perform peso-dollar forwards derivative operations, this is done in the short term, and they are carried out mainly in terms of less than 30 days. The negotiation average was located in 40 days in the years 2004 and 2006, having a decrease between 2007 and 2009, later it has been having a considerable growth until it is currently around 40 days, this due to the long positions that have abroad On the other hand, we find some definitions about the forwards, their regulations and the use of this instrument according to the type of investor. Finally, we will find some analyzes carried out by the Bank of the Republic, in which the Pension Funds have a large participation in markets of derivatives in different periods from 2016 to 2017.
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    Caracterización de los sistemas de financiamiento utilizados por los microempresarios en la localidad de Bosa
    (Universidad La Gran Colombia, 2019) Orlando Patiño, Cristian; Harwy Cardona, Jhonatan; Terraza Beleño, Walberto
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    Análisis del pago de dividendos de las empresas que conforman el Colcap durante el periodo 2012-2017
    (Universidad La Gran Colombia, 2019) Cardona Díaz, Rodney Enrique; Henao Gómez, Ismaelina; Chamorro Futinico, Julio César
    The objective of this research is to analyze the dividend payments of the actions that make up the COLCAP during the years 2012-2017. The importance of it lies in the generation of value for the shareholders, who receive a return for assuming the risk of investing their money in the operation of any company, one way to realize these benefits is through the distribution of profits. The methodology used consisted of performing statistical analyzes in order to determine the relationship between the price of the shares and the return of dividends, later the variability between the rates of profit growth and distribution of the same is analyzed. Finally, three indices are described: yield, growth rate and dividend ratio for the real and financial sector. The results obtained indicate that there is a moderate relationship between the price and the return of dividends, that the latter are less volatile than the profits of the company and that the financial sector in Colombia presents on average better distribution than the real sector.
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    Consecuencias de la enfermedad holandesa en el sector petrolero colombiano durante el 2010 al 2014
    (Universidad La Gran Colombia, 2018) Gil Guzmán, Aura María; García Arenas, Luis Fernando
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    Caracterización del desempeño que tienen los adolescentes sobre la educación financiera
    (Universidad La Gran Colombia, 2018) Higuera Castro, Diana Carolina; Terraza Beleño, Walberto
    El tema de Educación Financiera en los adolescentes aborda unos parámetros que son significativos para involucrarlos en las finanzas, teniendo en cuenta que son las futuras generaciones del país, y además tienen las responsabilidades de contar los conocimientos apropiados para el manejo de productos financieros, que se maneja tanto en el ámbito laboral, profesional y laboral. La contextualización del problema que se plantea, es conocer de una manera detallada cual es el desempeño que tiene los adolescentes entre los 14 y 17 años de edad, en la institución educativa las américas, y las temáticas que les enseñan para conocer sobre la educación financiera. Además, de que saber cuál es la importancia y el manejo que le dan a temas financieros.
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    Principales efectos en los inversionistas tras la liquidación de la comisionista de bolsa; InterBolsa S.A en año 2012.
    (2018) Trujillo Cupitra, Diana Carolina; Saavedra Torrejano, Maria Fernanda; Terraza Beleño, Walberto
    The development of this research is based on the understanding and interpretation of the operations of the stockbroker InterBolsa SA, which was in charge of channeling the savings of the public towards investment, but for different reasons that were presented in the execution of the operations came to its liquidation, whose decision was taken and imposed by the financial superintendence of Colombia, this directly affected the investors. Colombia, a country that had a high position in the stock market commissioner InterBolsa, generated a negative impact on the economy and the stock market, bringing effects on growth, the sustainability and evolution of the economy, creating distrust and high levels of uncertainty in investors and issuers of the stock market. Several of the problems encountered were caused by: lack of control, financial culture and risk management, manipulation of operations and / or market information, including privileged information, ignorance of market functioning, constant distrust on the part of investors and issuers because of previous financial crises in the country and abroad and the lack of regulation in this market.
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    Análisis de las estrategias de política pública en materia de educación financiera a partir del 2012 en Colombia
    (Universidad La Gran Colombia, 2018) Lozada Sáenz, Nancy; Pira Quevedo, Sandra Jimena; Ramírez Suárez, Oscar Fernando; Chamorro, Julio Cesar
    Colombia has been doing normative efforts that allow control and enforceability to empower population about financial education through strategies and conventions with the private company. Nevertheless, the assessment which has been exposed has not been satisfactory, so they realized the public policies’ analysis to determine the effectiveness of the implementation. For that, they used Emery Roe’s methodology, showing controversy between public policies and outcomes in the internal research and international comparison. Although policy efforts and strategies, the programs implemented didn’t meet the expectations, due to it evidences a variety of factors that have negative impact on developing: contents, trainers, lack of substantiation, appropriate follow-up and short-term control.
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    ESTUDIO COMPARATIVO: Impacto de las políticas de reubicación de vendedores informales en Bogotá (Administraciones Gustavo Petro y Enrique Peñalosa) sobre la disminución del trabajo informal
    (Universidad La Gran Colombia, 2018) Segura Rivera, Gredys Consuelo; Terraza Beleño, Walberto
    The following investigation has the purpose of make a comparison of the evolution of informal ocupation and public space recovery at Bogotá during Gustavo Petro´s and Enrique Peñalosa´s administrations. The work is developed starting from a theoretical approximation to the problem from two points of view: Structuralist and institutionalist. After that, a legal and constitutional review is made to find out the competence of Mayor´s office of Bogotá to the decission making related to informal ocupation. Finally, a statistical review is made to present, in a descriptive way, a comparison between these administration´s results, concluding that nevertheless the impact of their policies over the informal ocupation has been significative, their impact over public space recovery hasn´t.
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    Aranceles en las Importaciones de Prendas de Vestir Desde China a Colombia y su Afectación en el mercado local.
    (Universidad La Gran Colombia, 2018) Lesmez, Juanita de Paz; Santana Murcia, Liliana Katherine; Terraza Beleño, Walberto
    Importations carried out from China to Colombia, have affected the textile market since 90’s decades, when the economic opening appears in the national territory. The textile market is considered as one of the most actives in the commercialization of consumer goods globally. The competition in the textile sector has rised big techonological standards clothes elaboration, which decreases the coasts and production times, making it more competitive. The low importation coasts and the big scale production to international import, affects the intern market by the massive clothes income which grows the competition among other factors smuggling that occurs. In Colombia there are companies dedicated to commercialize the ware e product of contraband from China and other parts of the world. Although, the Dirección de Impuestos y Aduanas Nacionales of Colombia (DIAN), as a control entity against smuggling and illicit trade, has put its effort to counteract and combat it, through safeguards, which are provided for an urgency against the import of a product that damages production at the national level.(OMC, 2017)
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    Desarrollo Del Turismo Informal –Airbnb- En La Localidad La Candelaria De La Ciudad de Bogotá D.C.
    (Universidad La Gran Colombia, 2018) Salazar Zuleta, Vanessa; Torres Hernández, Walter; García Arenas, Luis Fernando
    The present project had its origin in the perceived demand to analyze the development of informal tourism in the town of La Candelaria in the city of Bogotá, being seen by locals and visitors as a place with an architectural and historical architecture of the city, taking model the Airbnb software platform as a means of offering accommodation for individuals and tourists, with the aim of conducting research on the development of informal tourism -AIRBNB- in the town of La Candelaria in the city of Bogotá. During the investigative process, the hotel demand was sought in the locality, analyzing their prices and the perception of the tourists, answering the question raised as to why at present people leaned towards the use of the Airbnb platform that hotel chains present in the area for decades