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Maestría en Economía Social

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  • Ítem
    Relación entre gasto público y crecimiento económico en Colombia: un enfoque estadístico, teórico y econométrico (2000 a 2023)
    (Universidad La Gran Colombia, 2025) Ortegón Salazar, Michael Smith; López Naranjo, Hector Andrés
    Esta investigación analiza la relación entre el gasto público y el crecimiento económico en Colombia, abarcando un periodo de 2000 a 2023. Se examinan la estructura del presupuesto nacional, la evolución sectorial del Producto Interno Bruto (PIB) y las dinámicas del gasto público y social, destacando su participación en el Presupuesto General de la Nación y su participación en el Producto Interno Bruto (PIB). Se empleó un modelo de vectores autorregresivos (VAR) para evaluar posibles relaciones causales entre las tasas de crecimiento del PIB y del gasto público, encontrando que, en el corto plazo, no existe evidencia estadísticamente significativa de influencia directa entre ambas variables. No obstante, el análisis sugiere que estas interacciones pueden estar mediadas por factores indirectos y dinámicas de largo plazo. Adicionalmente, se identificaron tendencias sectoriales clave, como una economía orientada a sectores tradicionales y de servicios. Los hallazgos resaltan la necesidad de optimizar el gasto público, fomentar sectores estratégicos y diseñar políticas que maximicen el impacto del gasto en el crecimiento económico y la equidad social.
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    Impactos socioeconómicos asociados al descenso en el número de fondos de empleados en Colombia durante los años 2011-2021
    (Universidad La Gran Colombia, 2023) Narváez Casadiego, Jenny Andrea; Hernández Bernal, Patricia
    This study aims to identify and measure the behavior of socioeconomic indicators that may be related to the significant reduction in the number of Solidarity Organizations, also known as Employee Funds, in modern Colombian society. The study begins with a conceptual approach to Employee Funds and then collects data reported to the Superintendence of the Solidarity Economy. A correlation model is developed using data from the National Department of Statistics. The findings suggest that there is a correlation between the socioeconomic indicators of Monetary Poverty and GINI Index associated with the decrease in the number of Employee Funds in Colombia from 2011 to 2021.
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    Balance y desafíos del Sistema General de Regalías como instrumento de desarrollo económico y social
    (Universidad La Gran Colombia, 2023) Patiño Barrera, Héctor Estiven; Hernández Bernal, Ana Patricia
    The General Royalty System - SGR is a very important investment budget for territorial entities; however, the level of impact of the projects on the living conditions of the communities has been questioned. This research aims to analyze the level of impact of the SGR on socioeconomic indicators at the departmental level, for the period from 2012 to 2020 through: 1) a diagnosis of the criteria and methodologies in the prioritization and evaluation of projects, 2) the application of a panel data model to measure the incidence of SGR investment in the Human Development Index - HDI at the departmental level, and 3) the description of the strengths and weaknesses of the new SGR reform. In the construction of the document, it was possible to show that there is a low negative correlation between the SGR per capita and HDI allocation variables, which shows that royalties are not influencing in an influential way in reducing poverty and, for the On the contrary, it is generating the opposite effect, in accordance with the theories of the "curse of natural resources". The 2012 and 2020 reforms are framed within a simple development perspective, which aims to address the problems by distributing more resources to all, without worrying about the effectiveness they are generating. Although the new regime brings positive elements, it should focus on the problem of the low relevance of the projects and the lack of interest of the communities in SGR investment.
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    Desigualdad laboral en Bogotá, Barrio Vitelma: Efectos sobre el desarrollo de la mujer, después de pandemia en la Fundación Hogar de Cristo
    (Universidad La Gran Colombia, 2023) Cubillos Villarraga, Laura Jimena; Diaz Lombana, Felipe
    Labor inequality has a significant impact on the lives of women, limiting their opportunities for personal, professional and economic development. Unequal access to quality jobs, gender-based wage differentials, and occupational segregation contribute to the perpetuation of long-term disadvantage and inequalities. It is essential to understand the factors that contribute to this inequality and its effects on the development of women in Bogotá, after the pandemic. Second, the COVID-19 pandemic has had significant socioeconomic impacts around the world, with women particularly affected. Business closures, job cuts and the transition to remote work have had a disproportionate impact on women, who face greater difficulties in balancing work and family responsibilities. Understanding how the pandemic has affected employment inequality and the development of women in Bogotá is essential to inform decision-making and the implementation of effective policies to address these challenges. In particular, the focus of this case study will focus on the town of San Cristóbal Sur, located in the city of Bogotá. This town stands out for being the fifth largest in terms of population and presents precarious conditions in terms of its human development index, which covers aspects such as education, health and standard of living. Within this town, the Hogar de Cristo foundation located in the Vitelma neighborhood will be specifically explored, where a higher rate of women will be observed, representing 50.4% of the population. This provides a valuable opportunity to access and understand more precisely the challenges and opportunities related to employment inequality in this particular context. Therefore, this case study is justified by the need to address labor inequality in Bogotá, especially in the post-pandemic context. Understanding the factors that contribute to employment inequality and its effects on women's development is essential to inform decision-making and effective policy implementation. By addressing these challenges, it seeks to promote a more just and inclusive society, where all people, regardless of their gender, have equal opportunities to fully develop in the workplace and beyond.
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    Impacto del salario mínimo y otros factores económicos en el desempleo en Colombia: un estudio empírico del período 1993-2021
    (Universidad La Gran Colombia, 2023) Ortegón Salazar, Michael Smith; López, Andrés; Lombana, Felipe
    The research aims to establish the impact that the minimum wage and other economic factors have on unemployment in Colombia during the period 1993-2021, through the specification of an econometric model using ordinary least squares (OLS). The study presents an econometric model that yields excellent results in terms of the individual and joint significance of the variables, demonstrating that the minimum wage is indeed related to the unemployment rate in Colombia during the observed period, which exhibits cyclic effects in the periods of 1993-2000, 2001-2015, and 2016-2021, both positive and negative. Additionally, a linear relationship is discovered between gross fixed capital formation and the unemployment rate, revealing that gross fixed capital formation is an economic factor that, if increased, can combat unemployment in the country.
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    El impacto social de tres líneas de crédito de la Cooperativa del Magisterio CODEMA sobre sus asociados del 2010-2019
    (Universidad La Gran Colombia, 2020) Rodrìguez Ortiz, Patricia; Torres Ortiz, Manuel Alejandro
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    Evaluación del programa de jóvenes rurales emprendedores del centro de desarrollo agropecuario y agroindustrial CEDEAGRO-Sena y su contribución al desarrollo sostenible local en el Departamento de Boyacá bajo el período 2012-2015
    (Universidad La Gran Colombia, 2019) Camargo López, Paula Catalina; Rivera Làzaro, Félix Orlando; Chaves Vargas, Joana Carolina; Ortiz Motta, Diana Carolina
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    Propuesta de un modelo de universidad corporativa para el operador Postal Oficial de Colombia 4-72
    (Universidad La Gran Colombia, 2019) Galindo Barbosa, Maria Yaneth; Castiblanco Ruiz, Fabian Alberto
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    Desarrollo rural y economía social en zonas de reserva campesina: estudio de caso de cabrera: Cundinamarca entre los años 2000 - 2016
    (Universidad La Gran Colombia, 2018) Bedoya Orozco, Paula Andrea; Martínez Gómez, Jorge Enrique; Escobar A., Ruth Marleny
    The purpose of this research is to determine at a theoretical and practical level the potential offered by the implementation of Social Economy practices in Peasant Reserve Areas in order to improve the quality of life and promote rural development in these territories, based on the study of case of the municipality of Cabrera Cundinamarca, taking the period between 2000 and 2016 as a reference. The conceptual theoretical support consists of two axes titled, "Territory and social groups" and "Planning and Rural Development", with emphasis on concepts such as PRZ, social economy and rural development. The methodological strategy established objectively as stages: theoretical contextualization, analysis of social welfare indicators of the municipality, generation of data in the area of study and analysis of results. Were used as techniques to generate data: document analysis, semi-structured interview, the survey and the direct observation. The results obtained coincide with the assumption that guided this research, identifying in this zone, a scenario with potential to implement practices of the social economy, articulated to the process of rural development. This is visible through the compatibility of the components between the characteristics of the PRZ and the social economy, among them: Territoriality, economic practices, rural development, community organization, environment and public policy. The improvement in the indicators of social welfare, consistent with a favorable rural development, identified from the comparison of the socioeconomic profiles of the municipality, established from the analysis of the statistical data in two different periods, included between the years 2000 and 2016.
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    Biodiversidad, crecimiento económico y distribución del ingreso en Colombia, 1995-2015: Una revisión de la hipótesis ambiental de Kuznets
    (Universidad La Gran Colombia, 2018) Ruiz Agudelo, César Augusto; Sánchez Pérez, German
    The literature that has studied the relationship between economy and the environment has tried to contrast the Environmental Kuznets Curve hypothesis (EKC). The relationship traditionally studied is environmental damage measured through some proxy for air pollution, and economic growth measured through per capita income. This work contrasts the validity of the EKC hypothesis for Colombia in the 1995-2015. Unlike the traditional studies, biodiversity was taken as environmental variable, measured from a variable that explains the loss of the same, as is the total number of biological species in some threat category. In addition, the Gini coefficient, the Yale University Environmental Performance Index (EPI) and the Literacy Rate were included as explanatory variables. The coefficients obtained from GDP per capita, in its normal, square and cubic measure, it is evident that the EKC is not fulfilled for Colombia in the estimated period. These results cast more doubt about the EKC sustainability, since increasing per capita income could cyclically generate slope changes that increase or decrease the biodiversity loss level. It is possible to conclude that these studies are context dependent, and the EKC hypothesis cannot be considered universal
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    El Greenwashing usado por el sector empresarial en Bogotá y su influencia en el consumidor adulto
    (Universidad La Gran Colombia, 2018) Alvarado Niño, José Humberto; Rodríguez Bonilla, Fredy Humberto
    This study is a critical explanation of the greenwashing phenomenon, which has the fundamental characteristic of influencing a group of consumers about their decisionmaking when choosing consumer goods. In this context, studies of consumer goods products were elaborated and the consequences of the practice of greenwashing in relation to the consumer were analyzed. for this reason, the work will present cases such as those of Alpina, Doña Gallina, Redu Fat Fast, Jorge Hane Laboratories, among others, which were sanctioned by the competent authority at the national level for using deceptive advertising in order to sell to the consumer the idea of a product committed to the health of people and the environment