Maestría en Planeación y Gestión del Hábitat
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Ítem Lineamientos de planificación ecológica en el borde de ciudad Mitigación de expansión y fragmentación ecológica Caso de estudio: localidad de Fontibón, Bogotá D.C.(Universidad La Gran Colombia, 2024) Mayorca Torres, Valentina; Aguilera Martínez, Fabián AdolfoEsta investigación aborda la planificación ecológica del borde suburbano de Fontibón, Bogotá, como una respuesta científica integral a los efectos adversos de la urbanización descontrolada y la fragmentación de los ecosistemas locales. Con el propósito de formular lineamientos de planificación ecológica que permitan mitigar estos impactos, se desarrollaron tres instrumentos fundamentales: la medición del impacto ambiental, la verificación del grado de restauración ecológica y la consolidación del borde suburbano de manera sostenible. Estos instrumentos se diseñaron para evaluar rigurosamente el estado inicial del territorio, aplicar medidas efectivas de restauración en áreas degradadas y promover un modelo de urbanización orientado a la sostenibilidad ecológica y social. La metodología aplicada se estructuró en tres fases: caracterización del territorio, análisis de los instrumentos de gestión ambiental y formulación de los lineamientos de planificación ecológica. La caracterización del territorio incluyó la evaluación de las características biofísicas, socioeconómicas y de los patrones de ocupación, mientras que el análisis de los instrumentos existentes permitió identificar deficiencias y oportunidades en la gestión ambiental actual. Finalmente, la formulación de lineamientos se fundamentó en criterios ecológicos y sociales, proponiendo estrategias de restauración y consolidación que aseguren la sostenibilidad a largo plazo del territorio. La metodología combinó enfoques cualitativos y cuantitativos para garantizar un análisis robusto y una intervención precisa. Los resultados de esta investigación sugieren que la implementación de estrategias de restauración ecológica, acompañadas de una adecuada consolidación urbana, fortalecerá la resiliencia del territorio frente a perturbaciones ambientales futuras, mejorará la conectividad ecológica y optimizará la calidad de vida de la población. Además, se destaca el papel crucial de la participación comunitaria en la sostenibilidad de las acciones implementadas, promoviendo la cohesión social y un sentido de responsabilidad compartida hacia la conservación del entorno. Esta investigación contribuye significativamente al campo de la planificación urbana sostenible, proporcionando un modelo replicable para la transformación de áreas suburbanas hacia espacios resilientes, habitables y en armonía con la protección de los ecosistemas naturales.Ítem Estrategias de gestión urbana frente a cambios de uso del suelo, en un contexto de sostenibilidad urbana: estudio de caso Parque Entre nubes - Bogotá 2000 a 2022.(Universidad La Gran Colombia, 2024) Hernández Alfonso, Johann Andrés; Vargas Beltrán, Jorge Andrés; Aguilera Martínez, Fabián AdolfoLa creciente problemática en las grandes ciudades, derivada de la expansión urbana y ocupación del territorio, hace orientar la atención sobre el parque ecológico distrital de montaña Entrenubes, para efectos de este documento: parque Entre Nubes, donde se han formado asentamientos humanos a manera de ocupación irregular sobre el territorio que formó parte de la estructura ecológica principal de la ciudad, lo que muestra la necesidad de interrumpir la ocupación del territorio en zonas de conservación, esta investigación busca entender los modos y patrones de ocupación; Para abordar esta problemática se recurre a una metodología de observación no participativa en la cual se analiza el territorio desde una visión externa, con el fin de generar estrategias de gestión urbana que ayuden a mitigar esta problemática desde las distintas afectaciones que llevan a buscar métodos de cómo evitar el crecimiento urbano en zonas protegidas, fomentar acciones de conservación del medio ambiente y reconocer los asentamientos existentes, buscando mejorar su calidad de vida en relación con las características de vivienda digna, accesibilidad y conectividad con la ciudad, para concluir se presentan determinaciones acerca de los procesos de obtención de datos y visitas de campo útiles para el proceso de diagnóstico y análisis, que formaron parte de la revisión de instrumentos de gestión para la formulación de estrategias de gestión, lo cual resalta la importancia de reconocer los distintos grupos poblacionales que ocupan el territorio de borde urbano de las ciudades y controlar las distintas modalidades de ocupación del territorio.Ítem Recomendaciones complementarias para el modelo de ordenamiento territorial, caso de estudio: Subcuenca del río Frío, Chía, Cundinamarca(Universidad La Gran Colombia, 2024) Buitrago Pinzón, Laurín Juliana; Roa, Edgar EduardoEn Colombia, la problemática en relación a la gestión de la transformación de las dinámicas del uso del suelo, se debe a la estructura del modelo de ordenamiento territorial, el cual no contempla en su totalidad la legislación de los componentes del territorio de forma integral. Se observan dificultades relacionadas con la desactualización de los contenidos y la vigencia de los instrumentos, lo que distorsiona los alcances del ordenamiento territorial. Chía no es la excepción ante los impactos de la transformación de las dinámicas del uso del suelo sin una planificación previa, las cuales aceleran el deterioro y la degradación de los suelos y posteriormente de los ríos. Pese a que no hay un modelo de ordenamiento claro que defina para donde debe ir el municipio de acuerdo a sus atributos, la deshabilitación del acuerdo 100 y la adopción del acuerdo 17 del 2000, agudiza la crisis del ordenamiento territorial, generando así retrocesos a nivel ambiental, social, económico y político, porque carece de capacidad para establecer directrices y pautas que impulsen el desarrollo del territorio. Hecho que ha venido debilitando la estructura y la articulación de sus componentes y posteriormente, la calidad de vida de sus habitantes. Por ello, esta investigación propone recomendaciones complementarias para la planificación de las dinámicas del uso del suelo, en la ronda del río Frío, que fortalezcan el modelo de ordenamiento territorial de Chía, Cundinamarca.Ítem Lineamientos de desarrollo sostenible para el municipio de Honda - Tolima(Universidad La Gran Colombia, 2024) Troches Patiño, Jesús David; Martinez Quintero, Brayan Stiven; Pinilla Gonzales, Ana GabrielaIn the process of territorial planning for sustainable development, conflicts of interest are usually found to the extent that natural resources acquire a value according to a commercialization logic. This scenario is also related to the access, use, exploitation, control, deterioration or conservation of these natural resources. The population can organize and carry out productive activities such as fishing, where through this activity social and economic integration is generated, as is the case of the municipality of Honda, Tolima. This territory will be the object of study of this research to analyze the conflicting objectives related to the conflict between the fishing population, which adopts ways of inhabiting the territory with flood risks, and territorial planning processes within the framework of sustainable development.Ítem Paisaje hídrico resiliente: Estrategias de Diseño Urbano Sensible al Agua con proyección al cambio climático para la planificación de la cuenca baja del Río Tunjuelo.(Universidad La Gran Colombia, 2024) Arroyo Torifio, Julian Dario; Camacho Tovar, Paula Andrea; Nope Bernal, Yuber AlbertoThe urban water landscape is constantly under threat from the pressure of anthropocentric actions and the effects of climate change, causing negative impacts on the environment and even the disappearance of ecosystems. In order to mitigate this risk, the Tunjuelo River in the city of Bogotá has been the scene of various proposals and technical interventions that have incorporated limited prospective planning alternatives based on sustainability, risk management, and resilience criteria. Due to the lack of projections or simulations, actions are taken that are not very functional in mitigating risks and maintaining a sustainable landscape. Therefore, this work aimed to establish strategies for water-sensitive urban management and design under proper edge management with a focus on climate change projection for possible inclusion in the city's Master Plan (POT), with the aim of improving the urban-environmental conditions of the lower basin of the Tunjuelo River. To achieve this, it was essential to characterize the analysis unit to understand the current conditions of the water source and its surroundings. Simulations were also conducted under flood variables to highlight the future behavior of the basin and, thus, provide recommendations for design considering both landscaping and functionality. The applied methodology for the research involved an analysis of three specific transects of the lower basin of the Tunjuelo River with different morphological and urban characteristics. This allowed the representation of prospective scenarios, constructing models that revealed the behavior of the Tunjuelo River facing phenomena such as floods. The results obtained from the projections indicate that, given the current state of the urban basin and considering the increased precipitation and its speed, the water source is susceptible to the risk of overflowing, which not only affects the ecosystem but also the overall environment. These results led to the formulation of a matrix of recommendations and models for early stages of design in urban water edges, emphasizing the importance of generating prospective scenarios to ensure an appropriate relationship between water sources and the urban environment. This guides architects, urban planners, and decision-makers in the formulation and execution of territorial planning to achieve sustainable and resilient landscapes.Ítem Lineamientos generales de ordenamiento para aportar a la óptima localización de actividades industriales en suelo rural. Estudio de caso: zona industrial caños negros, Villavicencio(Universidad La Gran Colombia, 2023) Ramírez Casas, Diana Paola; Quintero López, NataliaIndustry is considered an important activity for the social and economic progress of the territories; the transformation processes of raw materials for the generation of food, textile, chemical, timber, and pharmaceutical products, among others, have an important impact on the development dynamics of a territory. However, although this activity contributes significantly to the local and regional economy, its development is related to increased environmental impacts that alter the state of conservation of natural resources and the quality of life of the inhabitants. In addition to the above, there has been an increase in the displacement or migration of industries from urban to rural land, which is characterized by the presence of soils with high agrological capacity and sensitive and important environmental elements for the sustainability of the territories. This migration is based on a series of regulatory gaps related to the management of rural land at the national and local levels, which has legitimized an inadequate management of this activity in the territory. This work focuses on the formulation of general planning guidelines that contribute to the definition of the optimal location of industrial activities on rural land, based on the application of a mixed methodology that includes three phases: (i) Verification of the regulations enacted at the national level related to the management of this type of land to identify possible gaps that have allowed industries to locate in rural soils with great environmental supply, putting the increase of the local economy before the protection and conservation of natural resources, ii) Differential analysis of the variables that have allowed defining the industrial zones of the municipality of Villavicencio and iii) Approach to the communities with the implementation of a semi-structured survey to the population adjacent to the Caños Negros Industrial Zone in the municipality of Villavicencio, to know the perception of the communities regarding the arrival of this type of projects in rural soils. Based on this, an analysis was carried out that allowed to evidence, from the application of criteria contemplated by the municipality of Villavicencio for the definition of industrial zones, the absence of aspects of great importance in the land use planning that have allowed the installation of industrial activities in places that are not suitable for their development. Likewise, it was identified that despite the fact that the Land Use Plan -POT- of the municipality of Villavicencio made such analysis as a basis for determining the location of industrial zones, not all of them comply with the parameters required for such purpose. Finally, it is important to highlight the importance of the relationship with the communities regarding the arrival of this type of economic activities to their territory, the climatic variability and the connectivity with other territories that increase their competitiveness.Ítem Los servicios ecosistémicos de humedales en la ruta de la planificación ambiental: estudio de caso Puerto López, Meta (1989 – 2018)(Universidad La Gran Colombia, 2023) Nieto Henao, John Eduar; Escobar Rivera, Ruth MarlenyThis research analysed the importance of the wetlands of Puerto López as providers of ecosystem services, which contribute to the sustainability of the territory, in a context of environmental planning. The environmental crisis facing the planet today at all scales, shows that environmental deterioration is increasing, development models do not consider ecosystems as a source of life, providers of ecosystem services, the methodological strategy considered: the theoretical review, which allowed arguing the importance of wetland ecosystems as providers of ecosystem services, for the sustainability of the territory; the diagnosis, as an approach to quantify and qualify the state of wetlands in the municipality and its ecosystem services; the valuation of ecosystem services, in a cost-benefit relationship for the population and its governors; and finally, the correlation of results, which allowed identifying the route of inclusion of wetlands and their ecosystem services in the territorial environmental planning process of the municipality. The results obtained indicate that the gaps in information about the supply of ecosystem services of wetlands and their importance for the sustainability of the territory in the municipality of Puerto Lopez Meta contribute to the vulnerability of these ecosystems, leading to conflicts, pressures and the loss of these.Ítem Calidad Ambiental Urbana y su Incidencia en la Salud Ambiental Territorial: Estudio de caso Localidad Rafael Uribe Uribe (2013-2019)(Universidad La Gran Colombia, 2023) Aya Corba, Luz Yamile; Galindo Martínez, Ginna Lizbelly; Escobar, Ruth MarlenyThis research addresses the issue of urban environmental quality, at a time of global environmental crisis fase by cities, derived from accelerated urbanization processes and mediatically planned in response to the accelerated process of urban population growth, in a representative manner in the Rafael Uribe Uribe locality of the city of Bogotá, the general objective of this research is to analyze urban environmental quality and its incidence on the environmental health of the territory. For its development it was considered, to establish a diagnosis of the study área in a context of urban environmental quality and territorial environmental health, to apply the methodologies that exist to measure urban environmental quality and territorial environmental health in the periods between the years 2013 and 2019, to evaluate the behavior of the environmental quality of the locality in its different periods and in parallel with the results of the city of Bogotá and finally, to correlato the urban environmental quality with the environmental health of the territory according to the established results and periods. It is concluded that the environmental management indicators mentioned are not exclusive, they are complementary and therefore should be reviewed and reevaluated in an articulated and contextualized manner in the territory in a coherent way to the territorial dynamics, that is to say that transcends the typical governmental statistics, as is evident in the analyzed territory, from the index of urban environmental quality and environmental health, analyzed in a technical manner and from the perception of its inhabitants.Ítem Diseño de un instrumento de análisis para la gestión sostenible del recurso suelo. Caso de estudio Municipio de Palmira, Valle del Cauca(Universidad La Gran Colombia, 2023) Cortés Cerón, Edwin Alvaro; Reyes Guarnizo, Andrea BibianaThis degree project presents the design of an analysis instrument for the sustainable management of soil resources is presented, using as a case study the political-administrative limit of the municipality of Palmira, located in the department of Valle del Cauca. Within the research problem, territorial conflicts are considered due to the intensive use of the soil the soil resource by anthropic activities and its spatial distribution, generating changes in relationships at an environmental, social, economic, and cultural level. The reflection that supports the identification of categories and variables is made based on concepts such as: sustainable development, soil and rural areas where the following authors stand out: Soil Surfey Staff (1994), Raffino (2020), Echeverri (2009) (Bocco, 2007), (Castree et al, 2009 cited in Bocco, 2011), Brundtland, (1987), Van Miegrot and Johnson, (2009), Martin, (1998) among others, which allow defining the territory as a strategic space where all human activities converge. Likewise, a methodology is developed to obtain results in four phases: the initial or enlistment phase, allowed the prior consultation of information based on the conceptual framework of the research project; The first phase shows the diagnosis of the conflicts generated by land use change in the study municipality, through the compilation and analysis of geographic information from secondary sources; The second phase presents the analysis of the conflicts from the environmental, sociocultural and economic categories, through the evaluation of impacts, which in the third phase, allows to establish the characteristics that an analysis instrument must have for the sustainable management of the resource soil, managing to generate in this phase, three conflict management files and a final file as a result, which contains the parameters with the analysis instrument proposal that will allow the reduction of territorial conflicts in the political-administrative limit of the municipality of Palmira.Ítem Lineamientos de ordenamiento territorial para cárceles y penitenciarias en Colombia, caso de estudio Bogotá D.C.(Universidad La Gran Colombia, 2023) Calderon, Diego Alexander; Martínez, Eddie AndrewIn the Colombian context, prisons have been built without considering the impacts that they can generate in the territory where they are located, urban or rural, bringing with them a series of problems of territorial ordering. Prisons are facilities that are part of a system associated with the administration of justice in the execution of the custodial sentence. These inhabited buildings require an analysis, making it easier to plan future interventions that mitigate negative impacts and enhance positive ones. The theories and concepts used, facilitate the understanding of the processes necessary to order the territory in terms of the social variables, O.T, urban and environmental landscape, therefore, it is necessary to develop a methodology that allows the collection of information and its classification. A documentary analysis was implemented, the obtaining of relevant data, its triangulation and subsequent decantation, resulting in the proposal of a guide of territorial ordering guidelines for prisons in Colombia. This study offers a basis for the analysis, planning and design of urban or rural prison projects and their incorporation into territorial planning instruments. Knowledge is generated from the investigation of spatial relationship phenomena between people, buildings and human activities, developed in the public and private spheres. The foregoing so that these buildings are integrated into the new context of urban development, with necessary approaches for public management, such as partners in facing multidisciplinary challenges and the specialized inter-institutional organization.Ítem Un camino para fortalecer la gestión equitativa del manejo de las áreas protegidas del sistema de parques nacionales naturales con población campesina(Universidad La Gran Colombia, 2023) Fuentes Baca, Anamaría; Pérez Orozco, Adriana; Aguilera Martínez, Fabián AdolfoToday, the communities that inhabit the protected areas of the System of National Natural Parks of Colombia -SPNN are 19.4% poorer than the rest of the country’s rural population. This situation highlights conditions of inequity, represented in limitations to these communities’ rights, access to land, land use and use of biodiversity. National Natural Parks, in its role of managing the protected areas that are part of the System of National Natural Parks of Colombia -SPNN, has developed different mechanisms to engage with peasant communities since the year 2000. However, this process has been discontinuous when it comes to the generation of land use agreements within the protected areas, resulting an institutional guideline that needs to be reviewed and strengthened based on the new public policy scenarios and enabling conditions that have emerged over the last 20 years. Such a process starts with a rights-based approach, the fair and equitable distribution of the costs and benefits of protected areas and engaging in global discussions within the framework of the Convention on Biological Diversity and its 2030 -2050 vision. One mechanism aimed at improving equity in the management of protected areas of the SPNN inhabited by peasant communities is proposed here. It is based on key elements of the dimensions that comprise the peasant as a subject. These elements are defined and identified in the models and instruments used to manage protected areas, as well as in the guideline for the generation of land use and biodiversity agreements, from the perspective of environmental justice. This is aimed at furthering peasants’ recognition as active participants in conservation.Ítem Bordes estratégicos como modelo de ocupación del recurso suelo en Sabana Occidente(Universidad La Gran Colombia, 2022) Vásquez-Nova, Erik Hans; Sarmiento-Valdes, Fabian AlonsoUrban growth advances rapidly in capital cities due to social, economic, political-administrative and cultural tensions, which cause physical phenomena of occupation of the territory, particularly the physical-spatial conurbation. The conurbation is defined as the agglomeration between human settlements derived from the development and globalization trends that generate a cell that grows precariously and that, in its physical-spatial transformation, comes to blur the borders, limits, edges, urban, suburban and rural areas that directly affect the urban structures of a territory, in addition to the institutional supply of basic services. This paper intends to address the issue of the border occupation model in the physical conurbation of the Western Savannah in three specific cases: the first refers to a conurbation of the municipality of Funza with the municipality of Mosquera, the second deals with the pre -conurbation of the municipality of Madrid with the municipalities of Funza and Mosquera, and the third case on the conurbation of the triad of municipalities with the urban area of the city of Bogotá. The object of the research is the generation of a structured thought process on the strategic borders applied to the conurbation process as an occupation model, which aims to draw guidelines for occupation, growth and territorial ordering, which will be the main strategy of territorial cohesion. for edge theory. The analysis methodology was carried out based on the ordering structures: environmental, functional, socioeconomic and political-administrative dimension; then, from the identification of the strategic borders, the border theory applied to the conurbation phenomenon is constructed.Ítem Estudio de caracterización del hábitat en el borde del casco urbano de Leticia, sobre la ribera del Río Amazonas(Universidad La Gran Colombia, 2021) Castillo Gutiérrez, Pablo Enrique; Camargo Serrano, Luz PriscilaThe present research focuses on the urban riverside strip of Leticia, on the Amazon River. The aim is to characterize the sustainable habitat, through the categorization of its integral elements, based on concepts such as: Resilience, healthy habitat and territoriality; from a sustainable approach. Positive questions are made about the technical and technocratic knowledge regarding the sense of inhabiting and the degree of eco-systemic and anthropic risk of the place. This, according to postulates of respect for the ancestral knowledges of the inhabitants in their processes of life and construction of a resilient habitat. Thus, this study promotes a healthy habitat for this territorial strip, through the incentive to reconvert the negative preconceptions, for a constructive vision and towards a revitalization of this city edge, which works as an articulating space of the city with the Amazon River, which identifies these border tri-border communities beyond the geopolitical, since Brazilian, Peruvian and Colombian groups live in Colombian territory. The conclusions and recommendations emanated from the study motivate the implementation of different strategies and management instruments, applicable to the improvement of the quality standards in the habitat, through a respectful Governance and territorial planning and participative execution processes with the community.Ítem La autogestión comunitaria como desarrollo alternativo: la autogestión en las JAC en los procesos de Desarrollo local – Estudio de caso del proceso comunitario del barrio Naciones Unidas (Ciudad Bolívar- Bogotá) para diagnosticar y proyectar soluciones hacia el mejoramiento de su infraestructura arquitectónica barrial.(Universidad La Gran Colombia, 2021-08-24) Hernández Mejía, Camilo Ernesto; López Borbón, WalterResearch carried out within the framework of the Master's Degree in Sustainable Territorial Habitat Planning and Management as a requirement for obtaining the master's degree. Its scope is to make visible the self-management of the Community Action Teams (JAC in spanish) in the local development scenario towards the improvement of the neighborhood infrastructure, through a case study of the United Nations neighborhood in the town of Ciudad Bolívar proving that the JACs are fundamental and protagonists in the development of territories with high social infrastructural vulnerability in Colombia. For this, the systematization of a community self-diagnosis process is carried out that allows, through information collection instruments, to find results from the social construction of the habitat and prospective guidelines. The document is proposed to demonstrate the importance of the JAC as a device for change and also to be a theoretical-practical reference for social organizations and community leaders. Likewise, it also aims to vindicate and position popular knowledge as academic bibliographic references for social actors, students, teachers and researchers.Ítem Dinamica del mercado inmobiliario en predios de uso residencial a partir de indicadores de sostenibilidad urbana en la ciudad de Bogota-UPZ n° 9 Verbenal(Universidad La Gran Colombia, 2021) Jurado Gordo, Diana María; Betancourt García, MauricioThe real estate market has been defined under the actions of supply and demand for real estate regardless of its use, this being one of the aspects to obtain the value of the land in a given geographical space; The commercialization of properties for residential use, in addition to being a family heritage project for its buyers, has become a source of economic income for individuals and builders. This document seeks to characterize this type of market, based on the findings found after carrying out field and office work based on the development of urban sustainability indicators, which makes it pertinent to analyze the related economic, social, environmental and institutional frameworks. with this concept and involving some actors that affect the real estate dynamics.Ítem Análisis de los movimientos sociales en defensa del humedal Capellanía, respecto a la racionalidad del modelo de planeación de la ciudad(Universidad La Gran Colombia, 2021) Gutierrez Riapira, Diana Carolina; Gonzalez Garcia, Leidy YolandaThis research analyzed the resistance practices of the social movements that are located around the Capellanía wetland against the rationality of the city's planning model, in the same way, the management and use of the land of the wetlands with respect to the construction of Longitudinal de Occidente Avenue (ALO). The methodological structure that supports the research is located from the qualitative approach. In accordance with the stated objectives, the structure of the document is presented in three chapters. Chapter I, indicates the theoretical references, chapter II, exposes the methodological strategy implemented during the development of the research, chapter III, presents the results in three sections derived from each stage of the research in their order: first, an analysis of public management documents, such as the last five development plans of the city (1998-2016); the second is an analysis of the urban footprint (urban development), city planning and urban pressures on the Capellanía Wetland, based on maps and satellite images; and the third is the analysis of the information collected through the semi-structured interviews with the chosen actors, which produces the analysis of the resistance practices of environmental movements.Ítem Análisis de parámetros de diseño para la construcción de un hábitat accesible espacialmente en proyectos VIP del centro de Bogotá - caso plaza de la hoja(Universidad La Gran Colombia, 2017) Rosales León, Luz Marina; Cárdenas Rivera, Miguel EduardoThe spatial accessibility is a feature of the current architecture that imposes an exigency for the design of the "Housing of Priority Interest, VIP ". This characteristic is solved in the spaces used by the man to generate inclusive and sustainable hábitats. The habitat is the area in which the organized community recreates the social order, is in addition the space environmental partner and in his dynamics it is constituted in the foundation of the theory of the social construction of the territoryÍtem Lineamientos estratégicos para una política de cohesión territorial en los procesos de Conurbación-Interfaz: puente grande-tres esquinas Funza, Cundinamarca (1990-2016)(Universidad La Gran Colombia, 2018) Beltrán Rapalino, Francisco; Caicedo Navas, Gladys Lucía; Camargo Serrano, Luz Priscila; Jiménez Benítez, William Guillermo