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Plan parcial la Alameda y la Capuchina: Intervención en grandes zonas de renovación caso de estudio sector Las Nieves

dc.contributor.advisorLatorre Chacón, Omar David
dc.contributor.authorPedraza García, Angela Yamile
dc.contributor.authorBeltran Rapalino, Juan David
dc.contributor.authorEcheverri Echeverri, Oscar Julian
dc.descriptionEl sector comprendido entre los barrios La Alameda y La Capuchina ha sido uno de los escenarios urbanos más importantes y significativos en la historia de Bogotá, capital de Colombia. Este sector tomó importancia como gran nodo comercial para la ciudad debido a su ubicación estratégica. Actualmente, el barrio se encuentra dentro de una zona de renovación urbana que presenta innumerables problemáticas sociales evidenciadas en el territorio, tales como: inseguridad, invasión del espacio público, expendio de droga, exhibicionismo, contaminación visual y auditiva, abandono y deterioro de las edificaciones, falta de higiene en el espacio público. Estas situaciones trascienden a través de los principales bordes urbanos, lo que demuestra que tanto las preexistencias en la ciudad como los problemas en su territorio son transversales a la longitud de sus bordes “ejes”. Debido a esto, los bordes que presentan esta condición propician ambientes negativos para la permanencia de las personas, por lo cual es necesario proponer bordes que se constituyan en elementos articuladores de las zonas de intercambio, zonas de permanencia articulando las preexistencias del sector, y zonas de experiencia, entre otras, logrando así la compatibilidad de usos que generen dinámicas de permanencia, accesibilidad, permeabilidad e intercambio en las respectivas unidades de actuación urbanística a proponer. A partir de las estrategias del Plan Zonal Centro, incorporado como instrumento de planificación de primer orden, en el Plan de Ordenamiento Territorial de Bogotá, adoptado mediante Decreto 619 del 28 de julio de 2000, de la integración y conexión estratégica que propician los bordes tanto directos como indirectos, esta monografía responde a la necesidad de generar un proceso de cuidadosa planeación urbanística que integre los Planes Parciales de Renovación Urbana (aprobados y en proceso de aprobación por parte de la Secretaría Distrital de Planeación) y los bordes, consiguiendo así “tejer la ciudadspa
dc.description.abstractThe area covered between La Alameda and la Capuhina neighborhoods has been one of the most important and significant urban settings in the history of Bogota, capital of Colombia. This sector took importance as a great commercial node due to his strategical location. Currently, the neighborhood is inside of a place of urban renovation that presents uncountable social problematics, such as: insecurity, public space invasion, drugs dealing, exhibitionism, visual and auditive contamination, buildings desertion and deterioration, and great lack of hygiene in the public space. These situations transcend through the principal urban borders, which demonstrates that as preexistences in the city as the problems in the territory are transversal to the length of their borders “axis”. Accordingly this, the borders which shows this conditions propitiate negative environments for the staying of the people, thereby it is necessary to propose borders that may constitute Throughout different historical stages, it has acquired multiple forms and functions that have given it its character and identity; however, due to their status as "territory threshold" port and gate of the old city, the historic center and administrative center of the modern city, San Victorino and Nasturtium are an urban environment marked by their intersections and contrasts, reflected in the built environment and social actors. This research takes as its starting point an exploration of the important sectors that defined the establishment of trading houses in these neighborhoods who settled on the western slopes of the city of Santa Fe. Finishing the year 1581, a legion of parents Capuchins appeared to stay in the New Kingdom of Granada. It was a flat terrain, bordered by the San Francisco River that is the output port of Honda that connected inside with Cartagena, following the currents of the Magdalena River. Since then the Capuchin Fathers began to build a chapel which over the years would become church, which would be known as the "Church of San Jose", since the Church shares its space with the market for electric and the over time the industry took importance as a major commercial hub for the city of Bogotá since ancient times. Today the neighborhood is located within an area of urban renewal that has many social problems such as insecurity, public space invasion, drug addiction, prostitution, exhibitionism, sex workers, visual and noise pollution, public health, and a large number of commercial sex establishments, all these framed in major urban edges, which prevent the reading of the same permeable preventing him from being a sector of urban integration between its built fronts.spa
dc.publisherUniversidad La Gran Colombiaspa
dc.subject.lembArquitectura - Conservación y restauraciónspa
dc.subject.lembPatrimonio cultural - Protecciónspa
dc.subject.lembRehabilitación urbanaspa
dc.titlePlan parcial la Alameda y la Capuchina: Intervención en grandes zonas de renovación caso de estudio sector Las Nievesspa


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