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El derecho humano a una buena administración pública en México y Colombia

dc.creatorArcila Russi, Luis Alejandro
dc.creatorLópez Olvera, Miguel Alejandro
dc.descriptionThe human right to a good public administration begins to be seen as a possibility for international discussion and debate, thanks to the express recognition of it, made by the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union, issued in 2000, in its article 41 ; but it cannot be ignored that the States have previously dealt with this issue, although many times tacitly, by guaranteeing a series of rights that result in talking about it as human, and therefore, fundamental within their legal systems; for which it is intended with the development of this article, analyze the human right to a good public administration within the Mexican and Colombian legal systems, this being a documentary legal investigation, with a qualitative approach, through which it is intended, in an explanatory way, the analysis of this right in the two legal systems under study.With this investigation, it is possible to understand that both legal systems establish principles that govern the actions of public officials; but these are developed differently, and are contemplated in different norms, of national character for the Colombian case, and in norms of federal and state nature for the Mexican case. In spite of this, it should be noted that even more effective actions by both States are required, in order to recognize more clearly the right to a good public administration, as fundamental or human; and to determine in a more effective way its concept and its application, in order to avoid confusion.  en-US
dc.descriptionEl derecho humano a una buena administración pública se empieza a contemplar como una posibilidad de discusión y debate internacional, gracias al reconocimiento expreso que hizo de esté la Carta de los Derechos Fundamentales de la Unión Europea, expedida en el año 2000, en su artículo 41; pero no se puede desconocer que los Estados con anterioridad han tratado este tema aunque ocultamente o mejor dicho tácitamente, al garantizar una serie de derechos que dan como resultado que se pueda hablar de este derecho como humano y por ende fundamental al interior de sus ordenamientos jurídicos, tal es el caso de México y Colombia.  es-ES
dc.publisherUniversidad La Gran Colombiaes-ES
dc.rightsDerechos de autor 2019 Incisoes-ES
dc.sourceInciso; Vol. 21 Núm. 1 (2019): Inciso: Derecho y Ciencia Política; 41-57es-ES
dc.subjectGuardianship action, legal tutela, public administration, human rights, protection lawsuit, protection mechanisms, principlesen-US
dc.subjectAcción de tutela, administración pública, derechos humanos, juicio de amparo, mecanismos de protección, principioses-ES
dc.titleThe human right to a good public administration in Mexico and Colombiaen-US
dc.titleEl derecho humano a una buena administración pública en México y Colombiaes-ES

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