Mostrando Documentos 321-340 de 567

    • Relaciones culturales en el aprendizaje de lengua extranjera 

      Cardona Castaño, Luz Elena
      El presente artículo es producto de la  investigación  realizada  sobre las  implicaciones  del proceso denominado aculturización en el desarrollo de competencias lingüísticas,  desde la  comprensión de los  ...
    • Feminist movement: lessons and abscence of the rural women 

      De Luna, Humberto; Meza Márquez, Consuelo
      This article emerges as a result of the research “Rural women of Zacatecas, Mexico, within the pattern of neoliberal accumulation†. It reflects around the feminist movement lessons in the United States, which served ...
    • Education and its begginnings: a modelation practice and the fomation of consciences: a possible vanishing point before a hopeless social scenario 

      Herrera Muñoz, Jairo Alonso
      The School, recently established, has aimed practices of behavior conductivism by some obscure interests that has not always been visible, but has perceptively been shielded under the promise of a society emancipator ...
    • Written production of 5th and 9th graders elementary school framed on the preparation of “saber†tests in armenia and quindio region 

      Caro Lopera, Miguel à ngel; Castrillón, Carlos Alberto; Rivera, José Rodolfo
        This report summarizes the results of a research project emerged from the analysis of a writing question addressed to public th th school 5 and 9 graders through the “Saber†test drill in Armenia and Quindío Region. ...
    • Power and resilience: itinerances which enable subjectivation processes in the classroom 

      Marín Salazar, Martha Isabel; Rengifo Castañeda, Carlos Adolfo
      This bibliographic Revision Article is presented as an exhaustive exploration of the primary and secondary sources that evidence the current state of the questioning problem which in turn, is basically characterized by the ...
    • Revisiting the teaching practice 

      Prieto de Pinilla, Blanca Hilda
      The present text thematizes the university teaching practice from a pedagogical, exegetical, hermeneutical perspective. The hypothesis from which the reading of the phenomenon under study is made, states and questions that ...

      Bejarano Alzate, Jaime
      Editorial Revista Sophia (Educación) Universidad La Gran ColombiaEdición # 8 - 2012
    • The functions of bankruptcy law: current trends in comparative law 

      Moreno Buendía , Francisco Jesús
      The financial crisis suffered by most of the industrialised have removed the foundations of bankruptcy law, especially as regards its elementary principles and functions. In this sense, the increase in the volume and ...
    • Español 

      Pinzón Flórez, Alexander
      The media, as social actors, played a fundamental role in informing during the campaign for the Plebiscite for Peace held in Colombia in 2016. This article seeks to review based on the Critical Discourse Analysis methodology, ...
    • Bioprospection: indicator of legal vacancies of traditional agricultural knowledge 

      Narváez Torres, Natalia
      In search of sustainable development where there is a balance between economic, ecological and cultural components, bioprospecting has been of great importance as a comprehensive strategy for developing countries. Colombia, ...
    • Español 

      Muros Polo, Alejandro
      This work aims to analyse the general corporate duty of protection, the different risks (particularly, psychosocial risks), the effects on health and the preventive measures to be implemented in the area of teleworking, ...
    • the law and Covid-19: a view from the bio-legal 

      Trujillo Florián, Sergio; Laverde Rodríguez, Carlos Alfonso; Vargas-Chaves, Iván
      The objective of this article is to determine the importance of biojuridics and biopolitics to face a pandemic like the COVID-19 virus. The virus has made this time difficult for all social strata, its significance is ...
    • Parliamentary supremacy and control of constitutionality from the perspective of Jeremy Waldron 

      Paez Perilla, Olmes
      This article proposes an analysis between the two institutions: Congress and the Constitutional Court, in order to establish which one is legitimized to guarantee the rights of the citizen in the Colombian State. All this ...
    • El uso de técnicas cuantitativas en la investigación del Derecho y las Ciencias Sociales 

      Jiménez, William Guillermo; Meneses Quintana, Orlando
      Se ha evidenciado un bajo uso de métodos y técnicas cuantitativas en investigaciones académicas de las Ciencias Sociales, con excepción de la Economía. El objetivo del capítulo es establecer cuáles son las razones que ...
    • Governance of corporate administration in state companies 

      Escobar Escobar, Natalia; Ríos Sarmiento, Melissa
      This article approaches, from socio-legal perspective, the problems of state-owned companies in the provision of public services that they undertake to guarantee, highlighting the need to implement a set of practices, ...
    • editorial 

      Guillermo Jiménez , William
      The political theory of liberalism synthesized in doctrine more than four centuries of practice through which the so-called liberal professions associated with the bourgeois mentality - according to the famous essay by ...
    • El derecho de acceso a la administración de justicia: una perspectiva desde la jurisprudencia de la Corte Constitucional Colombiana 

      Sánchez-Vallejo, Sánchez-Vallejo; Ocampo Hoyos, Leady Giovanna; González Valencia, Daniela
      Uno de los derechos más importantes que contempla la Constitución Política de Colombia de 1991 es el acceso a la administración de justicia. Este concepto, a pesar de ser tan amplio y complejo, ha sido desarrollado ...
    • La necesidad de la mediación comunitaria en las sociedades actuales 

      Barajas Langurén, Eduardo; Gómez Higuera, Judith Vanessa
      El propósito de la presente investigación, es resaltar la importancia de la mediación comunitaria en la sociedad, donde conservar, asegurar el orden y la paz social, son responsabilidades del Estado con estrecha relación ...
    • The general features of the friendly composition in the colombian order 

      Fuentes Mancipe , Mónica María; Barragán, Diego David
      One of the great needs of human beings is to be able to live with their peers and establish communication relationships; that in some cases can lead to the configuration of conflicts as a direct consequence of the social ...
    • The intelectual lecturer censored in Spain 

      Álvarez Rodríguez, Ignacio
      The text analyses from an intellectual and legal-constitutional perspective the censorship suffered by the Spanish law philosopher Pablo de Lora when he was preparing to give a lecture on transsexuality at the Autonomous ...